
  • 网络queens;Queen District
  1. 索尔特和佩帕是两个来自皇后区的精明泼辣的女孩。

    Salt and Peppa are two streetwise and sassy girls from Queens .

  2. 他的遗体被从纽约市皇后区的墓地里挖了出来。

    His remains have been exhumed from a cemetery in Queens , New York City .

  3. 十多年前,小辣椒川菜馆(LittlePepper)诞生在皇后区法拉盛闹市区竞争激烈的华裔聚居地。

    Little Pepper began life a dozen years ago in the competitive Chinese nucleus of downtown Flushing , Queens .

  4. 而目前这一案,法院选择了发行量1.2万的皇后区周刊《浪潮》(TheWave),费用是247美元。

    In this instance the court picked The Wave , a Queens weekly with a print circulation of 12000 , at a cost of $ 247 .

  5. 皇后区博物馆(QueensMuseum,queensmuseum.org),至明年2月28日。

    Oct. 18-Feb. 28 , Queens Museum , queensmuseum.org .

  6. 马文已经被皇后区的圣约翰大学(St.John’sUniversity)和布法罗的德尤维尔大学(D’YouvilleCollege)(提供部分奖学金)录取。

    Marvin has been accepted by St. John 's University in Queens and , with a partial scholarship , D'Youville College in Buffalo .

  7. 而紧随其后的,将是针对皇后区的西法拉盛(Flushing)的提案。

    A proposal for west Flushing in Queens is next .

  8. 我的一位朋友曾带我在皇后区(Queens)进行过一次人类学参观。

    A friend once gave me an anthropological tour of Queens .

  9. 乔安·雷塔诺(JoanneReitano)是皇后区长岛市拉瓜地亚社区学院(LaGuardiaCommunityCollege)的历史教授,著有若干关于长岛市和纽约州历史的佳作。

    Joanne Reitano is a professor of history at LaGuardia Community College in Long Island City , Queens .

  10. 他们计划在皇后区法拉盛草地公园(FlushingMeadowsQueens)建造全新球场。

    They plan to build a new stadium for the team in Flushing Meadows in Queens .

  11. 在现场上百名抗议者中,来自韩裔主导的倡导组织社区行动民权中心(MinKwonCenterforCommunityAction)的这几位只是一小部分。该组织也服务于皇后区法拉盛的华人群体。

    The small band from the MinKwon Center for Community Action , a predominately Korean advocacy group that also serves the Chinese community in Flushing , Queens , was but a fraction of the 100 protesters .

  12. 卢自小在纽约皇后区长大,从哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)和乔治敦大学法学院(GeorgetownLaw)毕业后直接去了华盛顿,此后的大部分时间里都在政府圈子里供职。

    After Lew , a Queens , New York native , graduated from Harvard University and Georgetown Law , he headed straight to Washington and has mostly stuck inside the Beltway ever since .

  13. 本月,纽约联邦储备银行(newyorkfed)行长比尔达德利(billdudley)前往纽约市皇后区讨论经济议题和央行的工作情况。

    This month bill Dudley , President of the New York Fed , travelled to Queens , a borough of New York City , to discuss the economy and the workings of the central bank .

  14. 小笼包餐馆是老板洪宝(音译)两年半前在皇后区法拉盛开的功夫小笼包餐馆(KungFuXiaoLongBao)的分店。

    The Bao is an outpost of Kung Fu Xiao Long Bao , which the owner , Hong Bao , opened two and a half years ago in Flushing , Queens .

  15. 皇后区凯撒刘瑛律师楼(Liu&Shields)的卡罗琳·希尔兹(CarolynShields)是王守昆和王义强的律师团队成员,她否认了王娴歌的指控。

    A lawyer for Shou-Kung Wang and Andrew Wang , Carolyn Shields of Liu & Shields in Queens , denied Mrs. King 's allegations .

  16. 过去我总是支支吾吾,咕哝一些“Priceline网上竞价”之类的话,但现在我有了一个新答案:住在东河对岸的皇后区长岛市(LongIsland­City,Queens)。

    I used to hem and haw and mumble something about Priceline bidding , but now I have a new answer : Stay in Long Island ­ City , Queens , just across the East River .

  17. 这一法令由国会众议员孟昭文(皇后区民主党)提出,将“Oriental”(东方人)一词用“AsianAmericans”(亚裔)取而代之。孟昭文办公室表示,“Oriental”一词仍出现在美国法典的第42篇。

    The legislation sponsored by U.S. Rep. Grace Meng ( D-Queens ) replaces the term " Oriental " with the term " Asian-Americans . " The term " Oriental " still appears in Title 42 of the U.S. Code , Meng 's office said .

  18. 小常识:化妆品巨头雅诗兰黛由纽约皇后区的JosephineEstherMentzer创办,雅诗兰黛的美容王国09年销售额达70亿。

    Fact : Cosmetics mogul Estee Lauder was born Josephine Esther Mentzer in Queens , New York . Her beauty empire had more than $ 7 billion in sales in 2009 .

  19. 皇后区埃尔姆赫斯特的茶杯咖啡店(TeaCupCafe)除了有一堆布娃娃和宝丽来相机外,还供应充满绿茶的冰激凌,它是军绿色的,尝起来像烧焦了;这里的泰式冰激凌是绚丽的橙色,带有淡淡的花香味。

    and at Tea Cup Cafe in Elmhurst , Queens , which serves , amid a clutter of Blythe dolls and Polaroids , ice creams suffused with green tea , military in color and tasting almost burned , and Thai thea , garish orange with a distant floral tinge .

  20. 布鲁克林的布什威克(Bushwick)和威廉斯堡(Williamburg)以及皇后区的长岛市都是著名的艺术中心。

    Bushwick and Williamsburg in Brooklyn , and Long Island City in Queens , are well established as alternative art centers .

  21. 克里斯汀·拉米雷斯(ChristianRamirez)是一位LEDA奖学金获得者,他在皇后区长大,现在是哈佛大学的三年级学生,他还记得在大一期间,他妈妈来看他时想帮他洗衣服。

    Christian Ramirez , a LEDA scholar who grew up in Queens and is currently a junior at Harvard , remembers a time during his freshman year when his mother came to visit and decided to help him with his laundry .

  22. 其他乐器制造商,比如雅马哈(Yamaha),把制造业务从美国搬到了成本低廉的亚洲国家,可是它依然只在皇后区长岛市和汉堡这两个主要基地设立工厂。

    And it kept factories in its two main bases in Long Island City , Queens , and Hamburg , even as other instrument makers like Yamaha moved manufacturing operations from the United States to low-cost Asian countries .

  23. Stepanian是纽约皇后区的一位失业珠宝商,他每天拿着镊子干活,据他介绍,这两个星期他已经找到了价值1010美元(623英镑)的贵重物品。

    Armed with a pair of tweezers , Mr Stepanian , an unemployed diamond setter from Queens , claims to have collected $ 1,010 ( 623 ) worth in the past fortnight .

  24. 布朗克斯大广场区或皇后区埃尔姆赫斯特(Elmhurst)的业主们,即将迎来急于寻找下一个未开发市场的买家们的新关注。

    Homeowners in neighborhoods like the Grand Concourse in the Bronx or Elmhurst in Queens could enjoy new attention from buyers eager to find the next untapped market .

  25. 在东河对岸的皇后区长岛市,埃里克在他参与创建的Songza公司担任首席内容官,提供经过策划的流媒体音乐服务。

    Across the East River in Long Island City , Queens , Eric works as chief content officer for songza , a company he co-founded that offers a streaming music service of curated playlists .

  26. 位于纽约皇后区的FreshDirect每填都有2500名员工在辛勤劳作,确保当地的新鲜食品能够送达纽约州、新泽西州、康涅狄格州、宾夕法尼亚州和特拉华州。

    FreshDirect , based in Queens , has 2,500 employees working each day to ensure that fresh local food gets to customers in New York , New Jersey , Connecticut , Pennsylvania , and Delaware .

  27. 布鲁克林/皇后区教区发言人接受《纽约每日新闻》采访时表示:

    The Brooklyn / Queens Diocese spokesperson told the Daily News :

  28. 蜘蛛侠从天而降英勇地救下了一支来自皇后区的学术竞赛队

    Spiderman swooped in heroically saving an academic decathlon team from Queens

  29. 他有犯罪记录而且就住在皇后区

    He has a criminal record and an address here in Queens

  30. 你住在皇后区,怎能不迷大都会队?

    How can you live in Queens and not love the amazins ?