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huánɡ huánɡ
  • Emperor;grand;majestic;in a hurry;hasty
皇皇 [huáng huáng]
  • [in state of prosperity] 旺盛的样子

  • 矞矞皇皇。--清. 梁启超《饮冰室合集.文集》

  1. 他不高兴堂堂皇皇地把他的失败说出来。

    He did not care to say squarely that he had lost .

  2. 现在我们跟民族资产阶级的关系搞得很紧张,他们皇皇不可终日,很不满。

    At present our relations with the national bourgeoisie are very strained ; They are on tenderhooks and are very disgruntled .

  3. 阅读之外,人们也希望通过影视得窥皇皇巨著活生生的全貌。

    Apart from reading the novel , people also hope to obtain a full view of this great work through films .

  4. 我知道你是个有独到见解的少女,读的书都是皇皇巨著,而且还要做札记。

    For you are a young lady of deep reflection I know , and read great books , and make extracts .

  5. 如果我们认识了以上这些矛盾,就知道中国是处在怎样一种皇皇不可终日的局面之下,处在怎样一种混乱状态之下。

    Once we understand all these contradictions , we shall see in what a desperate situation , in what a chaotic state , China finds herself .

  6. 他对这样的人物充满敬佩之情;他们蔑视肮脏的生涯,并冒着遭受报复的危险,摆脱善与恶的羁绊,堂堂皇皇地活下去。

    His admiration goes out to the characters who defy the sordidness of life and , risking all the dangers of retribution , live beyond good and evil , in magnificence .