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  1. 怎么办?大家来出出点子。

    What 's to be done ? let 's put our heads together .

  2. 女裁缝师朱迪·戈夫接下了制作这件庞大婚纱的巨大挑战,而她也在InsideEdition的访谈中计算出出制作的所需布料。

    The monumental challenge of making a dress this size has been given to seamstress Judy Goff who calculated the amount of fabric needed during an interview with Inside Edition .

  3. 他想跟她说说心里话&也许请她出出主意。

    He was wishing to confide in her-perhaps to consult her ;

  4. 我要帮你稍微出出主意。

    I 'm gonna give you just a little advice .

  5. 物性的历史与人类文明积淀出出丰富的人文意义。

    The accumulation of human civilization and history and rich cultural meaning .

  6. 你能给我出出主意买什么吗?

    Will you advise me which of them to buy ?

  7. 他俩只有在被对方要求出出主意时才会试着提点儿建议。

    They try to offer advice only when asked .

  8. 他通常很乐意有位女子给他出出主意。

    He is normally only too pleased to be advised by a woman .

  9. 她应该能给你出出主意。

    She seemed to have some good ideas .

  10. 好多人在打赌,人们从这间屋子出出进进。

    There was much betting and people went in and out of the room .

  11. 谁能帮我出出主意该怎么才好呢?

    Anybody got any idea what to do ?

  12. 他希望有人就财务问题为他出出主意。

    He wants advice on his financial problems .

  13. 他一直装得面不改色;老太太根本看不出出了什么祸事。

    He had kept his composure and the old woman had not noticed anything amiss .

  14. 我把信的内容贴出来,麻烦大家看一下出出主意。

    And if you prefer we call on a certain number , please inform us .

  15. 人总有烦心的时候嘛,需要的时候就让朋友帮你出出主意吧。

    You 're only human , so ask your friends for advice when you need it .

  16. 通过历史数据的记录,绘制出出水溶解氧浓度和变频输出历史曲线。

    Historical curve of dissolved oxygen concentration and frequency output is drawed with the historical data .

  17. 然而同时,她又渴望着能享受一下以同等的身价来这里出出风头的乐趣。

    At the same time she longed to feel the delight of parading here as an equal .

  18. 我对这种阴湿天气极其厌倦,该出出太阳了。

    I 'm fed up with this dank weather ; it 's time we had some sunshine .

  19. 宝咪:好啊,或许她还会帮着出出主意,替我们想想俱乐部的主题呢!

    Baomie : Okay , she may even help us think of ideas for our club theme !

  20. 我希望你能安静一会儿,别出出进进的。

    I hope that you could keep still for a while and stop going in and out .

  21. 也许他不该这么做,他显然只是想出出风头

    Oh , well , perhaps he shouldn 't have done.He was obviously just trying to show off .

  22. 嘉莉没有和她们结识。但是她看到那个女儿出出进进。

    Carrie did not make their acquaintance , but she saw the daughter coming in and going out .

  23. 他年轻时很愿意穿上朝服出出风头。

    As a young man he had quite liked to put on court dress and cut a dash .

  24. 她不在乎时常让一些年轻的学生出出风头。

    She doesn 't mind letting some of the younger students take centre stage from time to time .

  25. 叶童可说是作了几乎无可挑剔的表演,即使你观察的很仔细,在剧中很难看出出她女性气质的一面。

    Cecilia delivered nearly flawless performances , in which her femininity is barely noticeable even if one examines closely .

  26. 越狱是指监狱中的囚犯非法地离开或逃离监狱的行为。随着美剧《越狱》的热播,现实生活中也上演了一出出真人版的越狱。

    A prison escape or prison break is the act of an inmate leaving prison through unofficial or illegal ways .

  27. 但你会象我一样亲亲热热地爱她,还要给我出出主意怎么对付她。

    But thou wilt love her dearly , as I do , and wilt advise me how to deal with her .

  28. 没有足够的钱,人不可能淋漓尽至地展示出出他个人的天赋和情操。

    No man can rise to his greatest possible height in talent or soul development unless he has plenty of money ;

  29. 而后磁力将磁力珠移出出血液,当然病原体和有毒物质也被一并带出。

    Then magnets pull the magnetic beads out of the blood , taking the attached pathogens and toxins along for the ride .

  30. 当一出出华丽的折子戏落幕的时候,谁又真正可以明白自己到底是演员还是观众?

    When a gorgeous excerpts ended when , who can really understand their own in the end are the actors or the audience ?