
chū shēnɡ ɡuó jí
  • nationality by birth
  1. 请问你的姓名?出生年月?国籍?

    May I have your name ? birthday and nationality ?

  2. 由于起源,出生或入国籍而属于某一特定国家的状态。

    A people having common origins or traditions and often constituting a nation .

  3. 一个人出生时的国籍决定于出生地的法律规则。

    The principle that a person 's nationality at birth is determined by the place of birth .

  4. 日益增加的移民和跨国婚姻意味着越来越多孩子出生在多国籍家庭中。

    Increased migration and rising numbers of cross-border marriages mean that ever more children are born to multinational families .

  5. 一个人出生时的国籍应和他的父母的国籍一样的法律规则。

    The principle that a person 's nationality at birth is the same as that of his natural parents .

  6. 大学需要每名家庭成员的信息如下:全名、生日、出生地、国籍。

    The university will need the following information for each family member ( including spouse ): full name , date of birth , country of birth , and country of citizenship .

  7. 2005年,澳大利亚开始推行“电子护照”。电子护照内置芯片,芯片储存有旅行者的数码照片、姓名、性别、出生日期、国籍、护照号以及护照有效期等信息。

    Australiaimplemented ' e-passports ' in 2005 , which feature an embedded chip storing travellers digitised photograph , name , gender , date of birth , nationality , passport number , and the passport expiry date .

  8. 正是由于这一政策,生育旅游产业应运而生,为了让孩子一出生就拥有美国国籍,他国孕妇纷纷奔向美国医院,即使这些妈妈们自己拿不到美国国籍,等子女一旦成长到21岁,理论上也可支持父母申请美国国籍。

    That policy has spawned a birth-tourism industry , in which pregnant foreigners flock to American hospitals to secure US passports for their babies . Although the foreign couple can 't acquire US nationality themselves , once their American-born offspring turn 21 they can theoretically sponsor their parents for future US citizenship .