
  • 网络a rash;eruptions;maculopapular
  1. 结果麻疹IgM阳性率为45.7%,风疹IgM抗体阳性率为27.5%。在出疹后4~14天采集的血清标本其麻疹IgM和风疹IgM抗体阳性检出率最高。

    Results The positive rates of measles IgM and rubella IgM antibody were 45.7 % , and 27.5 % respectively , the positive rates of measles IgM and rubella IgM antibody were both the highest in 4 ~ 14 days after rash .

  2. 目的为进一步降低政和县麻疹发病率,对发热出疹性疾病(RFIs)爆发疫情进行流行病学特征分析,并探讨RFIs的防控措施。

    [ Objective ] To decrease the incidence of measles and explore effective preventive measures for controlling rash and fever illnesses ( RFIs ) .

  3. 研究背景:麻疹(measles)是由麻疹病毒引起的一种急性全身出疹性呼吸道传染病。

    Background : Measles is caused by the measles virus as a rash of acute systemic respiratory tract infectious diseases .

  4. 结果莪术油治疗组在减少发热天数,缩短出疹期、减少并发症及缩短病程方面同对照组相比均有显著性差异(P<0.01或0.05)。

    Results The treatment group showed significant differences in reducing the fever time , shortening the eruptive stage , lessening the complications and cutting down the course of the disease as compared with the control group ( P < 0.01 and P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 北京地区儿童发热出疹性疾病的血清学分析

    Serological Analysis of Rash and Fever Illness of Children in Beijing

  6. 伤疤可能会再次出现,以及出疹。

    Sores may again appear as well as a skin rash .

  7. 婴儿和幼儿会发热并出疹。

    Infants and young children may have a fever with rash .

  8. 发热出疹性疾病流行病学特征分析

    A Study of Epidemiological Characteristics of Rash and Fever Illness

  9. 药疹误诊为出疹性传染病的18例分析

    Drug rash misdiagnosed as eruptive contagious diseases in 18 cases

  10. 我不知道是什么东西使我的脸部出疹?

    I wonder what has set up this rash on my face ?

  11. 深圳市发热出疹性疾病血清流行病学分析

    Seroepidemiological Analysis of Rash and Fever Illness in Shenzhen

  12. 带状疱疹患者出疹期皮肤及皮神经超声表现

    Ultrasonic findings in skin and cutaneous nerve of herpes zoster patients at eruptive stage

  13. 北京市西城区1996~2001年发热出疹性疾病爆发的流行病学特征及控制策略

    The Epidemiological Characteristics of Rash and Fever Illness Outbreak in 1996-2001 in Xicheng District of Beijing

  14. 她身上出疹了了!

    She came out in spots !

  15. 出疹的情况会维持5日,但有些病者可能没有这个病徵。

    The rash may last for5 days , but some patients may not have rash at all .

  16. 一起发热出疹性疾病暴发流行调查流行性感冒暴发性流行653例临床回顾分析

    An Epidemiological Investigation on an Outbreak of Rubella in Henan Province The retrospective study of 653 cases of influenza erupting prevalence

  17. 最常见的反应有皮肤出疹、皮肤搔痒、呼吸困难和面部等部位肿胀。

    The most common reactions include skin rashes , itching , breathing problems and swelling in areas such as the face .

  18. 接种麻疹疫苗后发热出疹性病例的流行病学调查

    Epidemiological analysis of cases with rash and fever illness after measles vaccine inoculation during 1999 to 2002 in Shandong province , China

  19. 病人从染病起至出疹后4日内会把病传染给别人。

    The patient can pass the disease to other persons from beginning of the disease to4 days after appearance of the rash .

  20. 双变量分析用来评估高病死率的风险因素以及确定从出疹到病死的时间。

    Bivariate analyses were performed to assess the risk factors for a high CFR and determine the time from rash onset until death .

  21. 在婴儿中,湿疹通常表现为在嘴巴和脸颊周围出疹,但也会扩散到胸、背和脚上。

    In babies , eczema often appears as a rash around the mouth and cheeks , but may spread to the chest , back and feet .

  22. 出疹后根据皮疹特点、出疹顺序及皮疹分布情况也易作出诊断。

    After having measles , according to the skin rash characteristic , measles order and the skin rash distributed situation also easy to make the diagnosis .

  23. 目的观察带状疱疹患者出疹期皮肤和皮神经的声像图改变,为早期诊断寻求影像学依据。

    Objective To examine the imaging of skin and cutaneous nerve of herpes zoster patients at eruptive stage , and find the imaging evidence for early diagnosis .

  24. 小孩发烧和出疹被诊断为病毒性疾病,但最后却发现是严重得多的细菌性脑膜炎。

    A child 's fever and rash are diagnosed as a viral illness , but they turn out to be a much more serious case of bacterial meningitis .

  25. 随后往往是呕吐、腹泻、出疹、肾和肝功能受损、在一些病例中,体内和体外出血。

    This is often followed by vomiting , diarrhoea , rash , impaired kidney and liver function , and in some cases , both internal and external bleeding .

  26. 如有发烧、头痛、恶心、全身倦怠、出疹者,请速就医。

    Please see a doctor as soon as possible if the following conditions are existed : Fever , headache , vomiting , tiring , rushes on the body .

  27. 结果患者出疹时间、疹分布区域、热时间和并发症等,成人水痘都与儿童水痘不同。

    Results Their eruption time , tetter distributing , fever time and syndromes and so on of the adult varicella patients were different from those of the infant varicella patients .

  28. 一般来说,水痘病毒导致出疹,瘙痒,发烧和疲劳,但是它也可以导致严重的皮肤感染,伤疤,肺炎和脑损伤。

    Generally , the virus causes a rash , itching , fever and fatigue , but it can also cause severe skin infections , scars , pneumonia and brain damage .

  29. 有清晰内白外红的斑痕的皮肤发痒和出疹:通常由于对虫咬,食物或药物过敏引起。

    An itchy skin eruption characterized by weals with pale interiors and well-defined red margins ; usually the result of an allergic response to insect bites or food or drugs .

  30. 它会在整个埃及大地上变作尘土,而生活在埃及这片土地上的人和牲畜身上,必生出疹病和浓疮。

    It will become fine dust over all the land of egypt , and will become boils breaking out with sores on man and beast through all the land of egypt .