
DNA extraction and PCR were carried out directly from 28 throat swab specimens , and 17 positives were also identified as adenovirus type 3 by sequencing analysis .
12 viral isolates from 20 throat swab specimens using Hep-2 cells were identified as adenovirus type 3 by L3 gene PCR and sequencing analysis .
Wild-type measles viruses were isolated from 10 throat swabs , the sequence analysis indicated that all of the 5 isolates belong to H1 genotype .
Results Adenovirus nucleic acid in 12 swabs ( 34.3 % ) and influenza B virus nucleic acid in 15 swabs ( 42.9 % ) were detected from total 35 patient nasopharyngeal swab samples whereas no RSV nucleic acid was found .
Results of measles virus isolation from throat swab samples from patients with measles
Methods routine methods were used to isolate and identify fastidous bacteria and Streptococcus from samples of children 's throat swabs .
15 strains of human adenovirus type 3 were isolated from 35 throat swab samples and the isolation rate of the virus was 42.9 % ( 15 / 35 ) .
Using influenza virus , mumps virus , measles virus and rubella virus to test the respiratory virus detection DNA microarray , and 80 throat swab specimens as a testing samples were also detected .
METHODS Totally 302 pharyngeal samples were cultured and isolated , and the tests of antibiotic susceptibility were ( performed ) for isolated strains to 15 kinds of antibiotics by using of the paper diffusion method .
RESULTS Klebsiella were isolated from pharynx and sputum .
Comparison of mycoplasma culture for sputum and throat swab for diagnosis of mycoplasmal pneumonia in children