
  • 网络dry throat;dry pharynx
  1. 结果:治疗前后症状积分:治疗组的神疲乏力、咽干口燥、夜尿频多改善明显(P<0.05);

    Results : The symptoms of lassitude , dry pharynx and mouth , frequent nocturia in treatment group were obviously improved , which was better than that of control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  2. 两组不良反应发生率均低,以咽干、声嘶等局部反应为主。

    Adverse event rate in two groups were low , and most adverse events were local reaction such as dry pharynx and excessive phlegm .

  3. 治疗组在改善咽干口苦、心烦易怒等伴随症状方面优于对照组(P<0.05);

    Symptoms such as dry throat with bitter taste and irritability were more markedly relieved in Group ll as compared with Group I ( P 0.05 ) .

  4. 两组患者治疗后咳嗽、鼻塞、咽干症状缓解病例数,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The case load of stuffy nose 、 sore throat and cough symptoms between Two groups had statistically significant after treatment ( P0.05 ) .

  5. 两组患者降调节后咽干口燥与腰腿酸软症状出现程度明显重于降调节前,均有显著性差异(P0.05)。

    Two groups of patients after down regulation in dry mouth and throat and waist-leg numbness symptoms significantly heavier than the down regulation of , there were significant differences ( P0.05 ) .

  6. 出现萎缩性咽炎28例,咽干51例,咽部不适49例。

    Atrophic pharyngitis , dry throat and throat discomfort occurred in 28,51 and 49 patients , respectively .

  7. 其四大主证之口苦、咽干、目眩三证在柴胡证辨证中应统为一证,不宜单列。

    The three syndromes as mouth-bitterness , throat-drying and eyes-dazzling should be classified into one syndrome in Chaihu syndrome dialectical .

  8. 全部患者出现不同程度的咽干、咽痛等不适症状。

    All cases occurred different degrees of uncomfortable symptoms , such as dry throat , sore throat and so on .

  9. 结果接触组咽干咽痛、咽充血及鼻黏膜充血、干燥等与对照组比较差异有非常显著性。

    Results The symptom prevalence of throat dryness , sore , engorgement and nasal mucosa engorgement and dryness were higher in the exposed group .

  10. 小柴胡汤的主证大体包括三项:口苦、咽干;往来寒热;胸满、胁痛。

    Xiao Chai Hu Tang master card generally includes three groups : bitter mouth , throat ; chills and fever ; chest full hypochondriac .

  11. 结果两组比较表明,治疗组较对照组消除减少口臭、咽干、鼻窦炎、鼻腔粘连等有明显的效果;

    Results The result indicated the treating group was more effect than control group in erasing halitosis and dryness of throat and sinusitis and adhesion of nasal cavity .

  12. 甲型副伤寒早期临床症状以发热、头晕、头痛、咽干、咽痛、干咳为主,潜伏期7~27天,平均15天。

    The first paratyphoid early clinical symptoms were mainly fever , dizzy , headache , pharyngoxerosis , pharynx-ache and dry-cough with 7-27 days of incubation period , average 15 days .

  13. 一项由挪威生命科学大学和乌普萨拉大学在2011年进行的一项研究发现,办公室里的植物有助于减轻疲劳、压力、咽干和头疼。

    A 2011 study by the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and Uppsala University found that plants in the office help to reduce tiredness , stress , dry throats and headaches .

  14. 开始可表现为畏寒、发热,体温可高达39-40℃,同时患者感头痛、全身酸痛、软弱无力,且常感眼干、咽干、轻度咽痛。

    Performance can be started for chills , fever , body temperature can be as high as39-40 ℃, while patients with flu headaches , body pain , weakness , and often dry eyes , Yangan , mild pharyngodynia .

  15. 有439%患者出现恶心呕吐、咽干咽痛、头昏头痛、胸闷气紧等不适,但不良反应轻,均能耐受。

    Nausea and vomiting , pharyngeal dryness and pharyngalgia , dizziness and headache , discomfort of chest , and so on were found in other 43 9 % patients , but the side effects were mild and endurable .

  16. 除咽干和乏力外,其他症状在停药后显著下降,其发生率甚至显著低于对照组;

    Except for pharynx dryness , the incidences of all other side effects declined after completion of the use of the trial drug , and incidences of some symptoms in experimental group were lower than those of the control group .

  17. 治疗组治疗后患者的咽痛、咽干、咽痒、异物感、咽粘膜充血水肿、淋巴滤泡增生、分泌物各项的改善疗效明显优于对照组。

    After treatment , patients with sore , Yan Gan , pharyngeal itching , foreign body sensation , pharyngeal mucosa congestion and edema , the proliferation of lymphoid follicles and the secretion of improving the efficacy better than the control group .