
yān qiānɡ
  • pharyngeal cavity
  1. 结论:下领升支状劈开截骨术后咽腔气道的改变是永久性的,但是在治疗范围内不会引起OSAS。

    Conclusions : the change of pharyngeal cavity after bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy and setback is permanence , but it can not cause OSAS in therapy range .

  2. 目的建立阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)动物模型,研究咽腔力学环境改变对气管力学特性的影响。

    Objective To set up an obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome ( OSAHS ) animal model and investigate the effect of the mechanical environment change in pharyngeal cavity on mechanical property of trachea .

  3. 正常成人颅咽腔的CT测量及其意义

    The significance of CT measurement of craniopharyngeal cavity in health person

  4. 方法应用CT对30例正常发音者在静止和发/i:/音时腭咽腔的三维形态结构进行观察分析,并对腭咽腔的线距和面积进行了测量。

    Methods Three dimensional conformation of the velopharyngeal orifice of 30 subjects with normal speech at rest and / I : / position were observed and analyzed .

  5. 咽部组织中P物质血管活性肠肽含量与OSAS患者咽腔狭窄的关系

    The relationship between content of substance P 、 VIP in pharyngeal tissue and narrow pharyngeal cavity of patients with OSAS

  6. 结果:鼻泪管黏膜组织中淋巴滤泡和HEV的数量及其周围淋巴细胞浸润的程度均低于鼻腔、咽腔和气管黏膜(P0.01)。

    Result : The number of lymphoid follicle and HEV in nasolacrimal duct epidermis were less than that in nasal cavity , pharyngeal and trachea ( P 0.01 ) .

  7. 咽腔气道空间缩小可表现为永久性,但后气道间隙接近正常人,不会发生通气阻塞,更未出现OSAS。

    The reduction of the airway of the pharynx maybe permanently , but the posterior airway space maybe close to the normal without respiratory blocking , not even OSAS ;

  8. 目的通过了解阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)患者睡眠呼吸暂停事件前后咽腔呼吸压力变化的规律性,探讨咽腔呼吸压力对OSAHS形成、发展的可能影响。

    Objective To study the characteristics of pharyngeal respiratory pressure before and after onset of airflow obstruction events in obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome ( OSAHS ) .

  9. 结果:20例病例面部外形改善满意、上气道直径和咽腔面积增大,睡眠暂停指数(AI)降级显著,身高体重增加显著;

    Result : All of the 20 patients obtain obtain a markedly improved facial profile , increased diameter of upper airway and in area of cavity of pharynx , significant decrease of AI , significant increase of height and weight ;

  10. 方法比较43例UPPP与43例保留悬雍垂的改良UPPP的术中术后并发症、术后症状改善程度以及术后咽腔测量结果。

    Methods To study 43 cases after UPPP and 43 cases after modified UPPP ( uvula remaining ) at complications , symptom improving and oropharyngeal cavity measurement .

  11. 目的:观察低压低氧诱导大鼠阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(obstructiveSleepapneasyndrome,OSAS)后大鼠咽部肌肉结构和功能的变化,探讨咽腔重建以及OSAS形成可能的生物力学机制。

    Objective : To observe the changes of structure and function of pharyngeal muscle in SD rats with altitude hypoxia induced obstructive sleep apnea syndrome ( OSAS ), in an attempt to investigate the remodeling of pharyngeal space and the possible biomechanical mechanism of OSAS .

  12. 通过VFSS疗效评价,电针治疗真性延髓麻痹引起的吞咽障碍能够缩短食物通过咽腔期的时间,减少会厌谷、梨状窝滞留和误吸。

    By the the VFSS efficacy evaluation of swallowing disorders caused by electro-acupuncture treatment of true paralysis can shorten the food through the pharynx of the time , reduce the vallecula , pyriform sinus retention and aspiration .

  13. 不同骨面型与咽腔气道、颈椎姿势的相关性研究

    Correlation between the craniofacial morphology , pharyngeal airway and the head posture

  14. 化石解剖学的研究表明,人类有声分节语言的成熟有赖于咽腔成熟。

    Fossil-Anatomy research shows that the maturity of language depends upon the pharynx .

  15. 咽腔的形态学测量及其临床意义

    Study on pharyngeal morpholog and its clinical significance

  16. 咽腔超声扫查诊断鼻咽部软组织肿物的初步探讨

    Preliminary Study on Ultrasonic Diagnosis of Nasopharyngeal Tumor Mass by Way of Endonasopharyngeal Cavity Approach

  17. 电子喉镜对睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合症病人咽腔塌陷的测量研究

    Measurement of pharyngeal cavity collapse in obstructive sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome with electron laryngoscope

  18. 方法:对本组10例下咽腔瘢痕狭窄患者应用带蒂颈阔肌肌皮瓣转移行下咽腔重建术。

    Method : Ten patients with hypopharynx stenosis underwent hypopharynx reconstruction using platysma pedicle flap .

  19. 下咽腔引流管用于60例咽喉癌术后患者的护理

    Postoperative care of 60 patients with tumor of pharynx treated with drainage tube of pharyngeal cavity

  20. 坚固内固定的下颌升支矢状劈开术治疗下颌前突症术后患者咽腔气道的改变

    Changes in Airway Space Following Mandibular Setback Using Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy with Rigid Internal Fixation

  21. 方法:对100例正常成人及84例阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征患者的咽腔进行了测量并将相关数据进行对照研究。

    Methods : Pharyngeal measurements in 100 normal adults and 84 patients with OSAS were made comparing study .

  22. 经鼻腔内窥镜鼻咽纤维血管瘤切除术气泡大时表示分泌物来自咽腔或鼻腔。

    When the bubbles are coarse it signifies that the secretion originates in the pharynx or nasal cavities .

  23. 结论:颈椎姿势与咽腔气道,以及与咽腔气道形态和位置有密切关系的颌骨位置呈较明显的相关性,颌面形态通过改变咽腔气道的位置及形态而与一定的颈椎姿势相联系。

    Conclusion : Natural head posture is correlated to craniofacial morphology which is quite related to the pharyngeal airway .

  24. 目的:研究颌面及咽腔形态、位置与颈椎姿势的相关性。

    Objective : To study the relationships of changes in pharyngeal airway position , head posture and craniofacial morphology .

  25. 目的探讨口腔及口咽癌术后咽腔软组织缺损的修复方法。

    Objective To investigate the methods of the repair of the oropharyneal soft tissue defects after operation of oropharyneal cancer .

  26. 部分能合作的患儿,咽腔造影显示术后腭咽闭合率65%。

    For those who enable to cooperate with doctors , pharyngeal cavity contrast examination exhibits that the postoperative palatopharyngeal occlusion rate is 65 % .

  27. 并可有效地扩腭咽腔的通气面积,保持软腭的紧张度及咽黏膜的正常功能。

    It can effectively expand the velopharyngeal orifice area ventilation , to maintain the tension soft palate and the normal function of pharynx mucosa .

  28. 结果1组患者咽腔平均最小径5.85mm,平均最小截面积50.3mm2;

    RESULTS The average minimum diameter of pharynx at soft palate level was 5.85 mm and the aver-age minimum section proportion was 50.3 mm2 in the first group .

  29. 咽腔是执行机体和外界进行气体交换的器官之一,咽腔与鼻腔、喉构成上呼吸道,是人呼吸系统中的一个门户性器官和前端通道。

    The pharyngeal cavity is one of the organs for the gas exchange between human body and environment . The pharyngeal cavity and the nose cavity , the throat constitute upper respiratory tract , it is portal of human respiratory system .

  30. 支撑喉镜治疗下咽及喉腔良性病变62例体会

    Experience from 62 Cases of Therapy of Self-retaining Laryngoscope on Benign Lesions in Larynx and Hypopharynx