
yān náng
  • bursa pharyngea;pharyngealpouch
咽囊[yān náng]
  1. 结论:鼻内镜检查有助于咽囊炎的诊断。

    Conclusion : Nasal endoscopy conduces to the diagnosis of pharyngeal bursitis .

  2. 鸡胚咽囊发生的扫描电镜观察

    Observation of pharyngeal pouch development in chick embryo with SEM

  3. 鼻内镜下微波治疗慢性咽囊炎26例临床体会

    Clinical effect of microwave therapy for 26 cases of chronic pharyngeal bursitis under nasal endoscope

  4. 结论鼻内窥镜下采用微波治疗慢性咽囊炎具有较好的疗效。

    Conclusion Treatment of chronic pharyngeal bursitis by microwave technique under nasal endoscope is more effective .

  5. 鼻内窥镜下微波治疗慢性咽囊炎结论:鼻内镜检查有助于咽囊炎的诊断。

    Treatment of chronic pharyngeal bursitis by microwave under nasal endoscope Conclusion : Nasal endoscopy conduces to the diagnosis of pharyngeal bursitis .

  6. 本研究采用鹌鹑-鸡胚移植法探索咽囊内胚层对中耳听骨发育(诱导/成形)及中耳听骨与内耳整合的作用。

    This research explored the role of pharyngeal pouch endoderm ( PPE ) to development ( induction and patterning ) of chick ossicle and integration of the ossicle and inner ear by quail-chick chimera .

  7. 颅咽管瘤囊液的MRI信号在T2加权像上一般呈较均一的高信号,而在T1加权像上则呈低、等、高等多种表现,反映了囊液内不同病理成分的存在。

    Craniopharyngioma fluid collections were found to be uniformly hyperintense on T 2-weighted images . However , on T 1-weighted images , the signal intensity of the fluid ranged from hypointense to hyperintense , reflecting the presence of pathological contents in these tumors .

  8. 雄蛙具单咽外声囊,雌蛙无。

    Only male had single - outer vocal vesicle .