
yān hóu yán
  • sore throat;pharyngolaryngitis
  1. 结果:原发性气管肿瘤早期易误诊为支气管炎、哮喘、咽喉炎,症状缺乏特异性,导致诊断不清,处理有误。

    Result : To primary tracheal neoplasms , it is easy to be misdiagnosed as bronchitis , asthma , pharyngolaryngitis .

  2. 总的并发症发生率减压组(28.0%)明显高于未减压组(8.2%),减压组咽喉炎发生率达23.1%。

    The incidence of complications in the decompression group was obviously higher than that of non-decompression group ( 28.0 % vs. 8.2 % , P < 0.001 ); the incidence of pharyngolaryngitis of the former was up to 23.1 % .

  3. 一般认为维生素C对咽喉炎和感冒有疗效。

    Vitamin C is believed to help fight sore throats and colds .

  4. 方法:对130例顽固的慢性咽喉炎患者,行胃镜检查或24h食管pH值监测,将检测的胃食管反流病随机分为A、B两组。

    Methods : One hundred and thirty patients with refractory chronic laryngitis were performed gastroscopy and ambulatory 24 hr esophageal pH metry .

  5. 抗咽喉炎常见菌IgY抗体的制备及其特性的研究

    Preparation and Characteristics of Antibody against Common Bacteria Causing Sore Throat

  6. 青霉素V钾适用于青霉素敏感菌株所致的轻、中度感染,包括链球菌所致的扁桃体炎、咽喉炎、猩红热、丹毒等;

    Penicillin V potassium penicillin-sensitive strains for induced mild to moderate infections , including Streptococcus caused by tonsillitis , pharyngitis , scarlet fever , erysipelas , etc.

  7. 其提取物临床上常用于治疗咽喉炎。近年来研究发现北豆根中的蝙蝠葛碱(Dauricine)和酚性总碱对脑梗塞和心肌缺血均有较好的治疗作用。

    Presently , It is found that the Dauricine and the whole alkaloid of hydroxybenzene have eminent curative effect on diseases of brain infarct as well as cardial ischemia .

  8. 目的探讨胃食管反流病表现为咽喉炎患者24h食管pH变化,并评价质子泵抑制剂(PPI)及选择性5-HT4受体部分激动剂的治疗效果。

    Objective To preliminarily study the esophageal pH characteristics of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease ( GERD ) who had the extra-esophageal symptoms of pharyngolaryngitis and to evaluate the pharmacal effects of proton pump inhibitor ( PPI ) and selective 5-HT_4 receptor partial agonist .

  9. 北豆根为防己科植物蝙蝠葛(MenispermumdauricumDC.)的干燥根茎,为常用中药。其提取物临床上常用于治疗咽喉炎。

    Rhizoma Menispermi , the Rhizoma of Menispermum dauricum DC is a kind of Traditional Chinese Medicine in common use and Rhizoma Menispermi tablet , the substance extracted from it is clinically used in treating faucitis .

  10. 红霉素甲硝唑联合超声雾化治疗咽喉炎疗效观察

    Ultrasonic spray inhalation with Erythromycin - Metronidazole solution to treat laryngopharyngitis

  11. 那个时候还没有得咽喉炎啊,比尔。

    Well , I didn 't have it then , bill .

  12. 医生告诉林小姐:她得了慢性咽喉炎。

    The doctor tells Miss Lin : She got chronic sore throat .

  13. 反流性咽喉炎50例诊断体会

    The Diagnosis Realization of 50 Cases with Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease

  14. 阿奇霉素静脉滴注治疗急性咽喉炎致失眠

    Insomnia following intravenous infusion of azithromycin for acute laryngopharyngitis

  15. 医生:你得了咽喉炎?

    Doctor : Have you got a sore throat ?

  16. 求多年的慢性咽喉炎最佳最快的治疗方法,谢谢!

    Beg old chronic sore throat optimal the swiftest treatment method , thank !

  17. 表现为慢性咽喉炎的胃食管反流病21例临床分析

    Clinical analysis on 21 cases of gastroesophageal reflux disease characterized of chronic laryngopharyngitis

  18. 结论:抗组胺药物是一种治疗气道反应性增高性慢性咽喉炎的有效方法。

    Conclusion : Antihistamine medication is effective in treatment of chronic hyperreactive laryngopharyngitis .

  19. 原来,他并没有得链球菌性咽喉炎。

    Well it turns out , he didn 't have a strep throat .

  20. 目的:考察咽喉炎合剂的稳定性。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the stability of Yanhouyan mixture ( for pharyngolaryngitis ) .

  21. 抗组胺药物治疗气道反应性增高性慢性咽喉炎

    Treatment of Chronic Hyperreactive Laryngopharyngitis by Antihistamine Medication

  22. 地塞米松混合丁卡因表面麻醉对病人拔管心血管反应和咽喉炎的影响

    The Effect of Surface Anesthesia with Dexamethasone and Dicaine on the Cardiovascular Response of decannulation

  23. 咽喉炎合剂治疗炎性咽部疾病378例疗效观察

    Observation of Therapeutic Effect of Sphagitis Mixture on 378 Cases of Inflammatory Disease of Pharynx

  24. 目的研制开发一种用于治疗耳、鼻、咽喉炎性疾病的多功能家用半导体激光治疗仪。

    A study in the use of multifocal electroretinography with laser therapy for central serous chorioretinopathy ;

  25. 结论:喉炎宁口服液有助于急、慢性咽喉炎临床症状的改善。

    Conclusion : Houyanning oral liquid is effective in clinical treatment on acute and chronic faucitis .

  26. 目的观察蓝芩口服液治疗放射性咽喉炎的疗效和安全性。

    Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of Lanqin oral solution on radiation laryngopharyngitis and its safety .

  27. 结论土牛膝提取物可以显著抑制家兔急性咽喉炎的症状。

    ConclusionThe extract of Wild Achyranthes Root can significantly inhibit the symptoms of acute pharyngitis in rabbits .

  28. 用于支气管炎,咽喉炎,支气管哮喘,慢性肾上腺皮质功能减退症。

    It is used for bronchitis , faucitis , bronchial asthma and chronic adrenal gland cortex hypofunction .

  29. 要是我的声音沙哑,请原谅,今天早晨我得了咽喉炎。

    Pardon me if I sound gruff ; I 've not a frog in my throat this morning ?

  30. 病理医师中慢性咽喉炎、过敏性鼻炎的患病率高于对照组(P<0.05)。

    Allergic rhinitis of exposed group was higher than that in the contro ( lP < 0.05 ) .