
rè shēn yùn dòng
  • warm-up
热身运动[rè shēn yùn dòng]
  1. 基于研究目的,他们只选择用静态拉伸作为唯一热身运动的实验;

    For their purposes , the Croatian researchers wanted studies that used only static stretching as an exclusive warm-up ;

  2. 尽管在健身脚踏车或者跑步机上进行10分钟热身运动可能是一种温和地温暖肌肉的传统方式,但桑拿会让肌肉真正地温暖起来,做好锻炼准备。

    While a 10-minute warm-up on a stationary bike or treadmill might be the traditional way to gently warm muscles , the sauna really heats them up and gets them ready for exercise .

  3. 体育赛事之前做热身运动是明智的。

    It is wise to warm up before an athletic event .

  4. 但经济危机才刚开始做热身运动。

    But the economic crisis is only just limbering up .

  5. 对游泳运动员来说,在开始之前做热身运动是非常必要的。

    Warm-up exercises is necessary for competitors to start swimming .

  6. 丹尼尔:你好,必须做热身运动吗?

    Daniel : Hello , is it necessary to do warm-up exercise ?

  7. 赛跑前你需要做些热身运动。

    You need to do some exercises to warm up before the game .

  8. 我向来懒得做热身运动。

    I never bother to do warm up exercises .

  9. 在游泳之前让我们做些热身运动吧。

    Let 's do some warm-up exercises before swimming .

  10. 赛跑前的热身运动是非常重要的。

    3A warm-up is crucial before running a race .

  11. 准备活动中的柔韧性热身运动练习方法

    The Training Methods Pliable and Tough Warming - up Exercise in the Preparatory Activities

  12. 队员们绕着球场慢跑为比赛作热身运动。

    The team warmed up for the match with a trot around the pitch .

  13. 热身运动是重要的,安全也是至关重要的。

    Warming-up is important and safety is vital .

  14. 热身运动应该提高运动能力。他指出,热身不应当使运动表现变糟。

    A warm-up should improve performance , he pointed out , not worsen it .

  15. 动态热身运动-20分钟

    Dynamic Warm Up / Body Movement 20 minutes

  16. 动态热身运动-10分钟

    Dynamic Warm Up / Body Movement 10 minutes

  17. 动态热身运动-15分钟

    Dynamic Warm Up / Body Movement 15 minutes

  18. 开始比赛前先作热身运动。

    Warm up before entering a game .

  19. 我们先做热身运动。

    Let us warm up a little .

  20. 好了,我已经做完热身运动了。我们开始吧!(查理的口头热身运动~~~)

    OK . , I 'm all warmed up * Let 's start the game !

  21. 安琪拉:要让戴维玩耍前做热身运动,玩够后进行降温。

    Angela : Make sure Davy warms up and cools down before and after the game .

  22. 你必须做适当的热身运动才不会在使用器材时伤了你自己。

    You must warm up properly so that you don 't hurt yourself on the machines .

  23. 昨天上课之前的热身运动使我今天的腿都不能伸直。

    Yesterday , as a warm-up exercise before class so I can stretch out the legs .

  24. 游泳前必须要做伸展和热身运动吗?

    John : Is it really necessary to stretch and warm up before I go swimming ?

  25. 每一组练习应该做相同数目的打腿练习,包括热身运动。

    Commit to a number of kicks and do it off every wall , including warm-up .

  26. 棒球运动场的一个地区,是比赛过程中专供候补投手做热身运动的。

    A place on a baseball field where relief pitchers can warm up during a game .

  27. 现在我们来做一个热身运动吧。

    Let 's do a warm-up .

  28. 我作了几分钟的热身运动,脱掉鞋子,开始表演一套保留节目。

    I warmed up for a few minutes , took off my shoes and began a routine .

  29. 篮球运动体能训练的准备一般包括一般性热身运动、伸展运动及放松运动3个环节。

    Generally speaking , basketball physical fitness training consists of3 sections that warming-up , stretching and relaxation .

  30. 后来我算是已经完成热身运动,所以打得比较好。杰娜也打得很好。

    Then I warmed up , so to speak , and played better , and Jana played well .