
  • 网络thermal engineering
  1. 高温玻璃棉在电厂热力工程中的应用

    Application of High-temperature Glass Wool in Thermal Engineering of Power Plants

  2. 热力工程中固定支架的受力状况分析

    The bearing situation analysis on fixed brace in thermal force engineering

  3. 直埋管道技术在热力工程中的应用

    Application of the Buried Pipeline Technique in the Heat Engineering

  4. 弯管流量计及其在热力工程中的应用

    Elbow Flowmeters and their Application in Heat Engineering

  5. 本文阐述弯管流量计的基本原理、应用类型及特点,指出弯管流量计的结构及安装要求,并以实例介绍它在热力工程中的应用。

    This paper describes the basic principle , types , and characteristics of the elbow flowmeters , explains their structures and the installation requirements and introduces the application in the heat engineering by a typical example .

  6. 深井降水在热力管网工程施工中的应用

    Application of Dewatering by Wells in Construction of Heat Distribution Pipeline

  7. 太原市过汾河热力管线工程施工降水技术

    The construction technology of precipitation in construction of heating power pipelines engineering passed by fenhe

  8. 按此方法指导的水平管棚设计施工在北京地铁复八线和热力管道工程中取得了良好的效果。

    Based on this method , the design and construction of barrel vault advanced support in line Fuxingmen to Bawangfen of subway and the heating pipe in Beijing got a perfect result .

  9. 主要介绍水平旋喷桩超前加固技术在北京地下热力管线工程中的应用,重点阐述水平旋喷桩的加固原理、施工方法、技术特点。

    The application of horizontal jet grouting pile pre-consolidation technique to the underground heating power pipeline project in Beijing is mainly introduced and the consolidation principles , construction method and technique characteristics of horizontal rotary jet grouting pile are expounded .

  10. NBI低温冷凝泵液氦杜瓦的热力分析与工程设计

    Thermal analysis and engineering design for liquid helium Dewar of NBI cryocondensation pump

  11. 电站热力系统故障的工程模块化智能诊断系统

    Modularized Intelligent Fault Diagnosis System for Thermal Systems in Power Stations

  12. 水平井降水技术在热力隧道暗挖工程中的应用

    Application of water lowering techniques with horizontal wells to the concealed excavation of heating power tunnel