
zhōnɡ nián rén
  • a middle-aged person
  • middle-ager;middle-aged person
中年人 [zhōng nián rén]
  • [middle-ager;middle-aged person] 年纪为40至60岁之间的人

  1. 中年人是指40到60岁之间的人。

    A middle-aged person is between forty and sixty years old .

  2. 中年人,巴特继续写道,可以遥望远处的死亡,但是他们趁还有大好时光,以“慎重而缓慢的节奏”去完成那些远大而新生的事业。

    The middle-aged person , Barth continued , can see death in the distance , but moves with a " measured haste " to get big new things done while there is still time .

  3. 美国波斯顿塔夫茨大学的研究人员监控了3000名55岁左右的中年人发现,那些每天吃三份全谷物食品的人腰围比其他人小两英寸(约5厘米),而且血压和血糖水平也更低。

    Researchers from Tufts University in Boston monitored 3000 people in their mid-50s and found that those who ate three servings of wholegrains a day had waist sizes two inches less than those who didn 't consume the same amount , as well as lower blood pressure and lower blood sugar levels .

  4. 研究显示,人一生中的快乐感是条U曲线,中年人是最不快乐的。

    Happiness follows a U-shaped curve during a person 's lifetime , according to research showing that middle-aged people are the unhappiest .

  5. 三峡库区中年人QT间期与心脏危险因素的研究

    Study of QT_ ( LC ) interval as a heart risk factor in middle age population in Sanxia

  6. 然而,今年早些时候发表的研究结果显示,中年人幸福感——或者说是经济学家所称的“主观幸福感”(subjectivewell-being)——下降一般发生在40岁到42岁之间。

    However , research published earlier this year found an average midlife dip in happiness - or subjective wellbeing as it is described by economists - happened between 40 and 42 .

  7. 比较了IL-2及IL-7诱导的40例健康育中年人。46例健康老年人及21例老年肿瘤患者外周血LAK细胞活性。

    IL-2 and IL-7-induced LAK activities in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of 40 healthy adults , 46 healthy aged individuals and 21 aged patients with cancer were investigated .

  8. 方法:随机抽取529例35~55岁中年人,进行《Beck抑郁问卷》、《社会支持评定量表》以及自拟一般情况调查。结果:35~55岁女性与男性抑郁得分差异无显著性意义。

    Methods : By random sampling 529 women aged 35 ~ 55 were investigated with Beck Depression Inventory , Social Support Rating Scales and self-made commonly condition questionnaire .

  9. 印第安纳大学的AnnieLang和他的同事们对做了一系列的研究。(研究人员给)大学年龄层的年轻人和中年人展示了一系列的电视节目和电影剪辑。

    F : Annie Lang and her colleagues at Indiana University have done a series of studies in which college-age people and middle-aged people were shown a string of t.v. and movie clips .

  10. 方法用固相放射免疫分析(RIA)法检测44例初诊老年MM患者、20例健康老年人和40例健康青中年人血清IL-2含量,随访患者3年的存活状况。

    Methods Serum IL 2 level was detected in 44 newly diagnosed MM patients , 20 elderly healthy controls and 40 young healthy controls with radioimmunoassay ( RIA ) methods . The survival period of the patients was then followed .

  11. 结果:天疱疮、类天疱疮和线状IgA大疱性皮病是自身免疫性大疱病中常见的3种疾病,分别易累及中年人、老年人和儿童。

    Results : The results showed that pemphigus , bullous pemphigoid , and linear IgA bullous dermatoses were common in this group of patients , mainly involving patients with middle-aged and old age , and children respectively .

  12. 即使无子女的中年人也会认为生活满意度比年轻或年老时要低,研究合作者AndrewOswald如是说。他是英国华威大学的经济学教授。

    Even among the childless , those in midlife reported lower life satisfaction than the young or old , says study co-author Andrew Oswald , an economics professor at the University of Warwick in Britain .

  13. 本文通过对鞍山市中年人消费观念的调查,运用SPSS因子分析方法,总结了他们的消费类型,时商家、企业以及销售商具有参考价值。

    This essay got across the investigation of consume idea of middle-aged person in Anshan city , and applied the method of SPSS factor analysis to summarize their consume type . It has reference worth for merchant , enterprise and marketman .

  14. Cvent的营销副总裁埃里克&12539;埃登(EricEden)称,分数对大学刚毕业的求职者来说最为重要,不过向该公司提交分数的应聘者中也有中年人。

    Scores count most heavily for candidates in their first years out of college , though the company has received scores from applicants well into middle age , said Eric Eden , Cvent 's vice president of marketing .

  15. 19.中年人遇到的普遍问题是什么?

    Question 19 . What common problem do middle-aged people have ?

  16. 30例无自觉症状中年人睡眠呼吸状况研究

    Prevalence of sleep disordered breathing in 30 middle-aged adults without complaints

  17. 那年月我还不象一般中年人那样开始发福。

    I hadn 't then begun to acquire a middle-aged spread .

  18. 这个节目本来是是为中年人设计的。

    The show was originally designed for the middle aged people .

  19. 农村中年人生命历程影响因素探析

    Discussion on Life Course of Middle Age People in Rural Areas

  20. 这个中年人已有了双下巴,头发也日渐稀少。

    The middle-aged man already has double chins and receding hairline .

  21. 他对生活持多么保守的中年人看法!

    What a conventional , middle-aged attitude he has to life !

  22. 重视中年人群体的健身活动

    Paying More Attention to the Fitness Exercises of the Middle-Aged

  23. 饮绿茶预防中年人高脂血症和肥胖症的现况研究

    Green tea consumption prevents hypercholesterolemia and obesity : a cross section study

  24. 公司几乎完全由中年人管理。

    The company is run almost entirely by middle-aged men .

  25. 你可能会觉得中年人的思想太机敏。

    The middle-aged may have minds too agile for you .

  26. 在中年人当中,心脏病的发病率很高。

    There is a high incidence of heart disease among middle-aged men .

  27. 当你称呼他为中年人时,他看上去有些不快。

    He looked abit offended when you called him middle-aged .

  28. 他们比中年人更快乐更理所当然地比年轻人更快乐

    They 're happier than middle-aged people , and younger people certainly .

  29. 他们虽然二十几岁,但观点很像中年人。

    They are in their twenties , but have very middle-aged views .

  30. 老师是个戴着厚眼镜的中年人。

    Miss Zhou is a middle-aged teacher with thick glasses .