
  1. 令佩莱格里尼困扰的是,欧冠欧洲最顶级联赛从全欧洲范围选用裁判,而不是严格依据裁判表现或者在巴塞罗那和拜仁慕尼黑(BayernMunich)这类球队之间的比赛中执法的经验。

    What bothered Pellegrini is that the Champions League Europe 's most elite tournament draws referees from all over Europe , rather than based strictly on performance or on experience calling big games between the likes of Barcelona and Bayern Munich .

  2. 该制度是为了解决我国城市化进程中执法体制不适应城市管理需要而进行的有益的探索和改革。

    It is a reform to solve the problems how the law enforcement system to meet urban management in the process of urbanization .

  3. 但是,由于我国立法上的滞后,造成了实践中执法上的困难和对权利利益平衡保护的不足。

    However , the backwardness of the current IPR legislation has resulted in the difficulties in the right enforcement and protection on the principle of interests balance .

  4. 立法上的缺陷导致司法实践中执法标准的混乱,常常会出现同一案件事实两种以上的不同判决结果,严重损害司法权威。

    Legislative defects lead to the confusion of the judicial practice standards of enforcement , which often results in two or more different verdicts in the same case and seriously damages the judicial authority .

  5. 聋人足球比赛中裁判员执法特点和规律

    Working features and rules of referees of football match of deaf

  6. 在审理案件中秉公执法,成绩显著的;

    Having achieved notable successes in enforcing laws and handling cases impartially ;

  7. 治安行政处罚中的执法问题及其对策

    Law Enforcement Problems in Administrative Penalty for Security and Countermeasures

  8. 论我国商标制度中行政执法权体系

    On the system of administrative law enforcement power in China 's trademark system

  9. 合法性视阈中警察执法能力的建构

    Constructing Police Law Enforcement Abilities in Terms of Legitimacy

  10. 论建筑施工噪声管理中的执法对象

    Enforceable Object in Noise Management of Building Construction

  11. 执政能力视阈中警察执法能力建设路径分析

    On the Build-up of Police Law Enforcement Ability in the Visual Threshold of the Ruling Ability

  12. 在第一阶段中,执法人员会参加为期两天的工作坊,内容丰富,包括自省、改正及能力建立。

    In the first stage , officers participate in an intensive two-day self-examination , correction , and capacity building workshop .

  13. 城市管理综合执法的目的就是解决目前城市管理中多头执法、执法混乱的情况。

    The purpose of urban management comprehensive law enforcement is to solve the current disorder of urban management in law enforcement .

  14. 当然,只有在世界顶级俱乐部之间的比赛中的执法经验才算数这种说法有点势利。

    Of course , there 's an element of snobbery in the argument that refereeing experience counts only if it involves games between the world 's best clubs .

  15. 此外,通过在运输利润分析中增加执法因素,发现影响超限运输执法效果的两个要素是超限检测概率和处罚严厉程度。

    Then , authors added the enforcement factor into transportation profit maximum analysis and found overweight detection probability and punishment degree were two key factors influenced overweight transportation enforcement effect .

  16. 我国现行民事再审程序的运行并未达到法律救济预期的法律和社会效果,究其原因,既有立法上的缺陷,又有司法实践中的执法不严。

    The applying of China 's current civil retrial procedure has not reached its expectant legislative or social redress results , for there exist a legislative limitation and non-strict judicatory practice .

  17. 风险管理作为海关管理领域信息化治理的重要实践载体,能够有效的解决我国海关监管工作中严格执法与高效运作的突出矛盾,为守法企业提供高效便捷的服务。

    Risk management as an important practice carrier of the customs management area which can efficiently help the contradiction between strictly enforcement of law and efficiently operation in our customs supervise process .

  18. 在执法过程中存在执法力量薄弱;执法区域边界界定难;执法对象流动性强;证据保存难等问题。

    Exist in law enforcement law enforcement is weak ; difficult to define the boundaries of the law enforcement area ; law enforcement object liquidity ; difficult issues such as preservation of evidence .

  19. 目前我国税收执法中存在执法不严、违法不究、越权执法、乱征滥罚等问题。

    There are some problems in our present administration of law of tax , such as denial of justice , enforcing the law in excess of authority , unjustified levies and fines and so on .

  20. 在整个法律解释及适用过程中,执法者的价值判断也有渗入的机会,因为大小前提的决定,法律文意的确定都需要发挥其主观能动性。

    In the whole process of legal interpretation and application , the executors ' valuation has chances to invade the judgments , because the confirmation of major and minor premises depend on the activeness of judges .

  21. 在环境执法难所涉及的诸多问题中,执法主体和执法权分散,缺乏有效的协调机制十分突出。

    Difficult in environmental law enforcement involved in a number of reasons , in which the right districts and the lack of effective coordination mechanisms is the most important . Currently , environmental issues are more perplexed .

  22. 我国现行商标制度中行政执法权主要包括:商标行政许可权、商标行政查处权、商标行政处罚权、商标行政确认权、商标行政复审裁决权、商标行政调处权。

    China 's current administrative law enforcement powers in trademark system include administrative permission power , administrative checking power , administrative punishment power , administrative confirmation power , administrative reexamination and arbitration power and administrative investigation power of trademark .

  23. 在反恐和人质救援行动中,执法人员通常需要对目标隐藏的建筑物进行非接触式的探测,以实现对隐藏目标的定位和跟踪,从而提高作战人员对周围环境的态势感知能力。

    In antiterrorism and hostage situations , law enforcement officers usually need to inspect the building non-contact where the targets hide in order to locate and track the concealed targets , which could enhance officers ' the ability of situational awareness .

  24. 近年来,严峻的社会治安形势使警察执法活动的危险大大增加,警察执法过程中的执法权益受到侵害,人身安全得不到保障的状况日趋严重。

    In recent years , severe social security situation makes the police enforcement activities increases greatly , the risk in the process of the law enforcement law enforcement rights are infringed , personal security vacuum condition becomes more and more serious .

  25. 我国《价格法》对价格垄断规定过于原则,缺乏对其表现形式、特殊责任主体等的明确规定,也缺乏严格的法律责任,导致实践中的执法标准不一与价格垄断的频发。

    The stipulations on price monopoly in the Price Law of China are just guidelines , without explicit provisions on its forms and special responsibility subjects or strict legal responsibility . This gives rise to different criteria in enforcement and recurrent price monopoly .

  26. 城市管理综合执法是近几年兴起的一种新的执法方式,综合执法机关集多家处罚权于一身,解决了实践中重复执法和交叉执法等一些问题。

    Execute the law synthetically in city management is a kind of new law enforcement way rising in recent years , it collects many of right of other administrations , solve the problem of repeated and across execute the law in the practice .

  27. 在行政执法实践中,执法主体如何适应社会新形势,以改革创新的精神推进执法方式变革,是一个紧迫性、现实性的问题。

    In the practice of administrative law enforcement , there is an urgent and realistic issue on how the subject of law enforcement adapt to the new social situation to promote the changes in ways of law enforcement with the spirit of reform and innovation .

  28. 不过,《公务员法》调整范围的拓展,即公务员的泛化与非专业化,却有违分类管理的发展趋势和时代要求,也必将引发理论上的无谓纷争和现实中的执法混乱。

    But the expansion of adjusting scope of official servant law , namely the official servant 's expansion and nonprofessional , disobeying the development trend that classification management and request of ages , also willing cause the theoretically meaningless conflict necessarily with actuality inside of enforce the law confusion .

  29. 这种观点成为实践中推行文明执法的认识障碍。

    The idea creates obstacles in enforcing the law with civility .

  30. 中国城市化进程中治安行政执法的创新

    Innovation of Public Security Administrative Execution in the Course of Urbanization