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  1. 梁中大通二年纪年摩崖的发现&栖霞寺千佛岩61号佛龛南梁纪年题名石刻

    The Discovery of Dated Cliff with Second Year of Zhongdatong & Stone Inscription Found in Thousand-Buddha Cave , Qixia Temple

  2. 在亏损声明中,摩根大通还透露将大幅提高发生交易失误的首席投资办公室(ChiefInvestmentOffice)的风险价值数值。

    As part of the loss announcement , JPMorgan revealed it was sharply increasing the VaR figure for the chief investment office where the trading errors occurred .

  3. 美国证交会表示,在一些例子中,摩根大通之所以中标,是因为它从招标代理那里获得了竞争对手报价的信息,这一做法被称为最后时刻偷看(lastlooks)。

    In some instances , JPMorgan won bids because it obtained information from the bidding agents about competing offers , a practice known as last looks , the SEC said .

  4. 在纽约股市早盘交易中,摩根大通股价下跌近6%至31.23美元,美国银行(bankofamerica)和摩根士丹利(morganstanley)也告下跌,这两家公司将于下周发布业绩。

    JPMorgan stock dropped nearly 6 per cent to $ 31.23 in early New York trading , amid falls for banks such as Bank of America and Morgan Stanley , due to report results next week .

  5. 在试图走这条钢丝的银行中,摩根大通(JPMorgan)8周前曾向员工发送一封电邮,鼓励他们就如何让业务机遇获得批准,以及发现‘悄悄滋生’的官僚作风,举手报告。

    Among the banks trying to walk this tightrope , JPMorgan sent an email to staff eight weeks ago , encouraging them to raise your hand to ask how to get approval on business opportunities and to identify ' creeping ' bureaucracy .

  6. 在最近一份研究报告中,摩根大通的三位策略师提出了一个答案。

    In a recent research report three JPMorgan strategists proposed an answer .

  7. 在其后的十年中,像大通曼哈顿银行这种的银行以风险资本的形式对技术的开发给予投资。

    During the following decade , banks such as Chase Manhattan formed venture-capital arms to invest in technology start-ups .

  8. 监管机构在这起案件中指控,摩根大通和其他银行承销的按揭债券中包含的一些贷款实际风险超出了这些银行披露的水平。

    The suits alleged that JPMorgan and others underwrote mortgage bonds that contained loans that were riskier than the banks let on .