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  • 网络History of China;General history of China
  1. 《中图法》中国通史与各代史分类探析

    Classification Method Analysis about Comprehensive History of China and Every Dynasties ' History of China in Chinese Library Classification

  2. 利用相关史料进行印证、分析,认为《中国通史》关于王昭君及汲冢书考证之记载有误,并对其进行了纠正。

    On the basis of analyzing deeply relevant historical materials , this paper thinks that there are two mistakes about WANG Zhao-jun and Ji Zhong Shu in General History of China , and corrects the two mistakes .

  3. 《中国通史陈列》艺术设计的实践和探讨

    An approach to the design for Exhibition of Chinese History

  4. 中国通史编纂百年回顾

    A Retrospect of Compilation of Chinese General History in the Past Hundred Years

  5. 高校非历史专业开设中国通史的必要性

    The Necessities to study The Chinese History on the No-History Departments in Colleges

  6. 浅议中国通史课程体系的改革与创新

    Readjustment And Reform In Chinese History Curriculum System

  7. 青年和领导干部是学习中国通史的两个主体。

    The Youth and Leaders are the two major groups to study the Chinese History .

  8. 周谷城《中国通史》在历史编纂学上的成就

    On Composing The Integrity Chinese History & About achievement of Zhou Gu-cheng ' Chinese General History

  9. 《吕著中国通史》是我国二十世纪初期著名史学家吕思勉一部史学论著。

    " The Chinese general history of Lv " is a famous historian of the early twentieth century of the Simian .

  10. 20世纪新式中国通史的编纂,孕育于中西之学交相激荡的时代,每当民族危难或时局急剧转折之际,都会有新的高潮迭现。

    The compilation of Chinese general history in 20th century was pregnant in the age when the western knowledge was introduced to China .

  11. 由著名回族学者白寿彝教授主编的《中国通史纲要》出版25年来在海内外产生了极其广泛的影响。

    The Syllabus of the General Chinese History , edited by Professor BAI Shou-yi who is a famous Hui nationality scholar , has been published for about 25 years and has brought broad influence inside the country and abroad .

  12. 本文首先指出了《中图法》第四版中国通史与各代史类目体系和分类方法所存在的不足之处,然后探讨了相应的改进方法。

    This article first indicates that there are some flaws in the classification system and the classification method of comprehensive history of China and every dynasties ' history of China in Chinese Library Classification ( 4th edition ), then researches on relative method to improve .

  13. 论《中国医学通史》古代卷编写诸问题

    Problems regarding the compilation of the ancient volume ofa general Chinese medical history

  14. 试论《中国出版通史》的编纂思想及其学术价值和社会作用

    On the Ideas of Compilation , Academic Value and Social Role of The publishing General History of China

  15. 近年来,编撰中国基督教通史的问题已经引起中国学者的重视。

    Chinese scholars have thought highly of the value of editing and writing the general history of Christianity in China in recent years .

  16. 打通·整合·重写·创新&评《20世纪中国文学通史》兼论中国新文学史的“重写”

    On A General History of Chinese Literature in the 20th Century and the " Rewriting " of A New History of Chinese Literature

  17. 史学品格与艺术品格的完美统一决定了《中国绘画通史》将对今后的美术史学研究产生持久而深远的影响。

    It will bring a good while and far-reaching influence to the study of art history in virtue of the perfect unification of the historiography and art characters for the future .

  18. 然而,迄今为止,全国还没有一部权威性的当代社会史或包括当代社会史在内的中国社会通史问世。

    However , there is not a single authoritative book about the history of contemporary society or a book about the general history of China containing the history of contemporary society published by now .

  19. 在哲学的研究方面,他既有对西方哲学领域黑格尔、孔德、康德等的研究,也有对中国哲学的通史性、个案式、史料学等的研究①。

    His research including not only European philosophy such as Hegel , Comte , Kant , etc. but Chinese philosophy such as History , case type , historical materials etc. .

  20. 《史记》是中国第一部纪传体通史。

    Shi Ji is a first general history of China by chronology .

  21. 其成就反映在中国史学史、中国通史、民族史和宗教史等许多领域;他的学风和文风作为精神境界和表现形式,则深深地浸润着他的学术思想和史学成就。

    Chinese historiography , general history of China , national history and religion history etc show his achievement in the historiography .

  22. 史学话语权与20世纪的中国民族史学&兼说10卷本《中国史学思想通史》

    The power of historical discourse and national traditional historiography of China in the 20th century ;

  23. 近代翻译文学是中国近代的本位性文学。确立中国近代文学的本位观对中国文学通史具有关键性意义。

    The establishment of the view of the ownership of the Chinese translation literature of modern times has the key role for the genera Chinese literary history .

  24. 在学科性质上,中国警政史属于史学的专史范畴。但在中国警政史学内部,也可区分出中国警政通史、断代警政史和专门警政史。

    The history of the Chinese police and administration belongs to special history .