
  1. 中运河宿迁段水体氮污染特征分析

    Study of Nitrogen Pollution Characteristics in Suqian Section of Grand Canal

  2. 英国工业革命中运河运输业发展的经验教训

    Achievements and Problems of the Development of Canal Transportation in England During the Industrial Revolution

  3. 通过对中运河宿迁段2001~2002年进行水质监测,结合历年监测资料,分析了中运河宿迁段氮污染特征。

    Based on the data of water quality monitoring in Suqian section of the Grand ( Beijing-Hangzhou ) Canal during the period from 2001 to 2002 , this paper analyzes the nitrogen pollution of the water with the help of historical data available .

  4. 这条位于埃及东北沙漠中的运河,就是苏伊士运河。

    This canal , which lies in a desert area in northeastern Egypt , is called the Suez Canal .

  5. 本文主要研究对象是我国城市中的古运河,为了避免赘述,文中简称城市运河。

    This article study on Chinas ancient canal of city , in order to avoid repeating it , in the text referred to the city canal .

  6. 在城市中开凿一条运河。

    Provide with a canal , as of a city .

  7. 在19世纪后半叶至20世纪初列强争霸的复杂国际环境中,控制苏伊士运河,对其进行有效的防御,对英国来说是至关重要的。

    In sophisticate international conditions 19 ~ ( th ) century , it was vitally important for the British to control and defend the Suez Canal effectively .

  8. 在海运与河运的竞争中,胶莱运河经过两次较大规模的开凿,元世祖时期和明嘉靖年间,然而两次开凿都不成功,最后被废弃。

    When river competed with sea , jiao lai Canal had been scale chiseled twice , Ming Jia jing and Yuan Shi zu , but two sinking were both not successful , and finally it was abandoned .

  9. 巴拿马自己修建了新的水闸,完全不靠其他国家政府的任何帮助,以此来向全国和全世界表明,在21世纪的超全球化进程中,这条运河仍然是像20世纪那样的生命线。

    The new locks , built by Panama without help from other governments , were sold to the nation and the world as a way to ensure that the canal remained as much of a lifeline in the hyperglobalized 21st century as it was in the last .