
Correlation among relative sea-level change and Huanghe river changing channel and chenier development
Monitoring changes of nearshore zones in the Huanghe ( yellow river ) Delta since 1976
To tamper with the river is like tampering with China itself and , to Chinese , almost like defying God .
The result shows that before 1950 s , the land cover change was mainly drived by natural factors , including climate , storm tide and the Yellow River changing its course ;
Huanghe River way field in1194 between having changed course , having submerged it 's the south , the north branch , development of the North China east sues phase right away suddenly be interrupted .
To research on channel diversion of the Yellow River togather with the general pattern of the Huaihe River Fluvial Plain development comprehensively may avoid the limitation in the research of the channel diversion treated as an isolated and occasional event .
During the war displaced persons produce more with the Japanese invasion , aircraft bombing and the Yellow River in man-made . " Refugee Painting " means not only the displaced material , is the spirit of the cultural level of pain .
For sea , mountains of Shandong peninsula point is a big hindrance ; for river , Yellow River diversion from time to time , hit the Grand Canal , blockage of river , also bring big trouble .
The Huanghe river changed its course many times in history .
They diverted the river while they was building the dam The Huanghe River changed its course many times in history .
The Huanghe River changed its course many times in history . Or let the eagle tell you where he 's been ?
Sandy rangelands scatter on the vast alluvial plains of the Huanghe River ( Yellow River ) in north Henan province ( Yubei plain ) .
The Huanghe River changed its course many times in history . After the second treatment , Agatha coughed and produced a tiny bit of yellow sputum .
The Yellow River over several thousand years has shifted its course from time to time , flowing now into the Pacific Ocean through Shantung , now through north Kiangsu .
For the renovation of the Potala Palace alone , the central government allotted a lump sum of more than 40 million yuan . The Huanghe River changed its course many times in history .
The Yellow River changed four major channels during the 168-year history of Northern Song Dynasty .
In historical period , the lower reach of Yellow River frequently changed its course and flooded over the bank , which caused the soil change and influenced the normal development of the civilization in the plain .
They had once held broad stretches of grassland on the banks of the Yellow River .