
  1. 让我来告诉你吧,奇松、怪石、云海、温泉称为黄山四绝。

    Tom : Let me tell you , the four unique scenic features are legendary pines , picturesque rocks , the sea of clouds and hot springs .

  2. 你知道黄山的四绝是什么吗?

    Tom : Do you know what the four unique scenic features on Huangshan Mountain are ?

  3. 黄山的四绝中,首推的就是云海了,由此可见,云海是装扮这个“人间仙境”的神奇美容师。

    The four must huangshan , the case is a sea of clouds , we can see that the appearance of clouds is " fairyland " magic beauticians .

  4. 黄山的四绝真神奇,我感觉好像置身于一个世外桃源。早晚有一天她需要独自面对;那儿太美了,不可能永远将其置于身外。

    The Four Wonders of the Huangshan Mountain are absolutely breathtaking . I felt as if I had been in a different world . It had to be faced one day on her own ; it was too beautiful to stay away forever .

  5. 他们称做黄山的“四绝”。

    They 're the " four wonders " of Mount Huangshan .

  6. 黄山景色甚为独特,它兼有泰山之雄伟,华山之险峻,峨眉山之清秀。奇松怪石云海和温泉堪称黄山四绝。

    Huangshan blends the grander of mountain tai , the awe of huashan mountain and the elegance of mountai emei . Huangshan is most noted for its four attractions unparalleled else where , namely extraordinary pines growing out of rock crevices , grotesque rocks , seas of clouds whirling around the peaks and hot springs .