
  • 网络Huang Zhiqiang;Wong Chi Keung;Kirk Wong;WONG CHEE KEONG;Chih-Chiang Hwang
  1. 该校运动协会的黄志强披露,该活动旨在鼓励肥胖学生达到更为健康的体重。

    Huang Zhiqiang from the university 's athletic association disclosed that the activity was intended to encourage obese students to reach healthier weights .

  2. 黄志强补充道,虽然胖瘦不是健康的唯一标准,但是将体重维持在一个健康的体重指数是个很好的主意。

    Huang added that , although being fat or thin is not the sole criterion of health , maintaining one 's weight within a healthy Body Mass Index zone is a good idea .