
  1. 在黄石公园里使用雪车这一想法,为人们提供了一种对环境低影响、低污染的游览方式。

    The snowcoach concept in Yellowstone provides low-impact , low-pollution access .

  2. 达尔文写这封信是为了感谢美国的一位地质学家费迪纳得·万德韦尔·海登博士,感谢他给自己寄送的个区域地质研究的复印件,该区域后来成为黄石公园。

    The letter was written by Darwin to thank an American geologist , Dr. Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden , for sending him copies of his research into the geology of the region that would become Yellowstone National Park .

  3. 到去年,黄石公园的狼已经增加到170多只。

    By last year , the Yellowstone wolf population had grown to more than 170 wolves .

  4. 黄石公园显然是第二种类型,但克里斯蒂安在任何地方都找不到火山口。

    Yellowstone obviously was of this second type , but Christiansen couldn 't find the caldera anywhere .

  5. 早在1966年,生物学家就要求政府考虑将狼重新引入黄石公园。

    As early as 1966 , biologists asked the government to consider reintroducing wolves to Yellowstone Park .

  6. 今天,关于灰狼在黄石公园的适应情况的争论仍在继续。

    Today , the debate continues over how well the gray wolf is fitting in at Yellowstone .

  7. 就在此时,美国宇航局决定通过拍摄黄石公园的照片来测试一些新的高空相机。

    Just at this time NASA decided to test some new high-altitude cameras by taking photographs of Yellowstone .

  8. 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局仔细监测和管理黄石公园的狼群。

    The U . S . Fish and Wildlife Service carefully monitors and manages the wolf packs in Yellowstone .

  9. 在过去某个时候,黄石公园一定曾有过超过人类现有认知规模的火山爆发。

    At some time in the past Yellowstone must have blown up with a violence far beyond the scale of anything known to humans .

  10. 很长一段时间以来,人们都知道黄石公园本质上是火山——所以它有温泉和其他蒸汽特征。

    It had been known for a long time that Yellowstone was volcanic in nature — that 's what accounted for all its hot springs and other steamy features .

  11. 第一个不包含飞机服务的合同签署于1986年,这类做法一直很盛行,直到1988年黄石公园(Yellowstone)大面积失火。

    The first non-aviation contracts were signed in 1986 , and by the time much of Yellowstone went up in smoke in 1988 , the practice was flourishing .

  12. 中央生活与就餐区——洛根称之为“生活馆“——是一个面积为1200平方英尺(约合111平方米)的房间,带有15英尺(约合4.57米)高的壁炉和可以眺望大提顿公园和远处的黄石公园(Yellowstone)

    The central living and dining space -- what Mr. Logan calls ' the living pavilion ' -- is a 1200-square-foot room with a 15-foot fireplace and walls of windows looking out at the Tetons and distant Yellowstone .

  13. 丹·温克(DanWenk)是国家公园基金会的临时会长,也是黄石公园的顾问,他认为国家公园可以成为重塑灵性与情感的好地方,“不管是阿尔卡特拉斯还是黄石,”他说,

    For Dan Wenk , interim president of the National Park Foundation and a director of Yellowstone , the parks can be a place for spiritual and emotional renewal , " whether you 're in Alcatraz or Yellowstone , " he said .

  14. 这个年轻人说:我跟林达今年夏天开车到黄石公园去玩。

    Linda and I drove to Yellow Stone Park last summer .

  15. 我在黄石公园碰到一个男的,像个疯子一样。

    I met this guy in Yellowstone , this crazy guy .

  16. 黄石公园壮丽的虹色泉水。

    Grand Prismatic Spring in midway basin , Yellowstone np , U.S.A.

  17. 贝蒂?瑞克森去年夏天游览了美国的黄石公园。

    Betty Rixon visited Yellowstone Park in the USA last summer .

  18. 苍狼是黄石公园生态系统得以健康发展的关键部分。

    Wolves are a vital part of a healthy Yellowstone echo-system .

  19. 早餐后,前往黄石公园途经著名的牛仔州&怀俄明州。

    After breakfast , heading toward Wyoming , a famous cowboy state .

  20. 黄石公园是世界上最早的国家公园。

    Yellowstone is the oldest national park in the world .

  21. 我们去年厦天去黄石公园徒步旅行。

    We trekked through Yellow Stone National Park last summer .

  22. 上午继续游黄石公园。

    Continue with your tour of the park this morning .

  23. 黄石公园的大部分坐落在怀俄明州的西北部。

    The best part of Yellowstone lies in the northwest of Wyoming .

  24. 老忠诚是黄石公园最吸引人的景点。

    The Old Faithful is the park 's favorite attraction .

  25. 与黄石公园相比,这里的麋鹿数量并没有太大变化。

    By contrast with Yellowstone , elk numbers haven 't changed much here .

  26. 它是冰河湾、黄石公园、大雾山还是约塞米蒂国家公园?

    Is it Glacier Bay , Yellowstone , Great Smoky Mountains or Yosemite ?

  27. 黄石公园具有吸引追求浪漫之人的一切。

    Yellowstone has everything which appeals to the romantic .

  28. 灰狼也踢开了黄石公园的「肉类市场」大门。

    Wolves have also thrown the doors to the Yellowstone meat market wide open .

  29. 你可以在黄石公园内看到一个名叫老实泉的喷泉。

    You can see a geyser named The Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park .

  30. 黄石公园的超级火山毫无征兆的爆发。

    The Yellowstone Caldera supervolcano erupts without warning .