
  • 网络Huanghua Port;PORT OF HUANGHUA
  1. 对黄骅港平面布置方案的分析

    Examination on the General Layout Options for Port of Huanghua

  2. 黄骅港一期工程总平面布置格局的论证

    Verification of General Plan Layout for Phase I Works at Port of Huanghua

  3. ADCP在黄骅港水文测量中的应用

    Application of ADCP in hydrometric measurement in Huanghua Port

  4. 主要介绍了目前世界上先进的水文实时测量仪器ADCP在黄骅港水文系统的应用。

    Application of ADCP which is the most advanced hydrologic real-time measuring instrument in the world in hydrometric measurement in Huanghua port is introduced in this paper .

  5. 黄骅港地区潮滩过程与港口选址

    Tidal Bank Process and Harbor Site Selection in Huanghua Harbor Area

  6. 黄骅港进港航道航行船舶下沉运动量试验

    Test on Ship Squat Sailing on Approach Channel of Huanghua Harbor

  7. 黄骅港海域表层泥沙特性及其影响

    Property and Influence of Sediments on Seabed Surface around Huanghua Harbour

  8. 黄骅港外航道泥沙问题的治理及其效果

    Regulation and effect on siltation in outer channel of Huanghua harbor

  9. 黄骅港沿堤流的研究

    Study on the flow along the bank of Huanghua Harbor

  10. 黄骅港某混凝土输水管渗漏原因分析

    Causes of Seepage of Concrete Water-carriage Pipe in Huanghua Port

  11. 黄骅港口岸船舶卫生状况调查分析

    The investigation analysis on the ship sanitation condition in Huanghua Harbor port

  12. 黄骅港外航道防砂堤结构设计

    Structural Design of Sand Preventing Dike for Outer Waterway of Huanghua Port

  13. 黄骅港外航道泥沙淤积问题研究

    Study on Siltation in the Outer Channal of Huanghua Harbor

  14. 黄骅港提高船舶配载的安全措施

    Safety Measures to Enhance the Loading Capacity of Ships in Huanghua Port

  15. 黄骅港浅海防波堤的施工

    Construction of a Breakwater in Shallow Waters in Huanghua Port

  16. 黄骅港外航道淤积的二维数学模拟

    Two Dimensional Numerical simulation of Siltation in Outer Channel of Huanghua Harbour

  17. 黄骅港外航道骤淤分析

    Analysis of Sudden Siltation of Outer Channel of Huanghua Harbor

  18. 黄骅港海水淡化预处理工艺试验研究

    Test and Research of Pretreatment Technology of Seawater Desalination in Huanghua Port

  19. 黄骅港外航道整治工程及航道骤淤防治技术

    The Harnessing of Outer Channel of Huanghua Port and Sediment Control Techniques

  20. 黄骅港防波堤、防沙堤结构设计研究

    Structural design of breakwater and sand dyke of Huanghua port

  21. 主要港口包括秦皇岛港、黄骅港和唐山港。

    Major coastal ports include Qinhuangdao , Huanghua and Tangshan .

  22. 黄骅港泥沙静水沉降特性研究

    Settling Properties of Huanghua Harbour Sediment in Still Water

  23. 黄骅港煤码头功能的拓展

    Function Development of the Coal Terminal , Huanghua Port

  24. 智能控制及黄骅港翻车机智能控制系统的研究

    Intelligent control and Huanghua Port dumper Intelligent Control System

  25. 黄骅港潮汐监测与发布系统

    Monitoring and Issuing System for Tide in Huanghua Port

  26. 黄骅港地区现有坐标系及其相互关系分析

    Analysis on the Existing Coordinate System of Huanghua Port Area and Its Interdependence

  27. 黄骅港抛泥区泥沙运移及对航道淤积的影响

    Sediment transportation of mud-dumping ground and effect on seaway siltation of Huanghua Port

  28. 黄骅港是以煤炭运输为主的综合性大港。

    Huanghua Port is a big comprehensive port with coal transportation in the majority .

  29. 黄骅港外航道整治工程有关问题的探讨

    On Outer Channel Regulation Project of Huanghua Port

  30. 黄骅港海域二维流场分析

    Two Dimensional Current Field Analysis of Huanghua Port