
  • 网络Shandong Province
  1. 儒家文化是中华民族传统文化的正统和母体,齐鲁大地是儒家文化的发源地和辐射源,山东女性的性格深受儒家文化的影响;

    Confucianism is the most traditional culture of the Chinese nation , and QiLu is the sources .

  2. 农业银行山东省分行是齐鲁大地科技手段先进、资金实力雄厚和社会信誉优良的国有商业银行。

    Agricultural Bank of China branch in Shandong Province is the land of Qilu means of advanced technology , financial strength and good reputation of the social state-owned commercial banks .

  3. 鲁南文化作为一种地域文化,历史悠久,源远流长,博大精深,默默地滋养着居于齐鲁大地最南端的枣庄人,培育出一代代优秀的枣庄作家。

    The culture of southern Shantung , as a regional culture , has a long history and profound culture which nourish the southern tip of Zaozhuang in Shandong province and cultivate generations of great writers of Zaozhuang .