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  1. 齐景公对晏子的说法不理解。

    The king could not understand him .

  2. 国王齐景公心里非常焦急,他想去祭祀山神求雨。

    Jing Gong , the King of Qi , was very worried . He wanted to offer sacrifices to the mountain deity1 to pray for rain .

  3. 国王齐景公心里非常焦急。

    Jing Gong , the King of Qi , was very worried .

  4. 公元前490年,齐景公死,贵族虢氏、高氏立景公的儿子公子荼为国君。

    In 490 B. C. , Guo and Gao made Duke Tu the monarch after the death of Duke Jing .

  5. 在齐国,他也得到了同样的赏识。齐景公虽然相信他们,但并没有把孔子的学说付诸实施。

    In Ch'i he earned the same respect that he had in Lu but the Duke of the state wouldn 't put Confucius 's doctrines into practice even though he believed in them .