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  1. 不是马利亚的儿子雅各、约西、犹大、西门的长史吗?

    Isn 't this Mary 's son and the brother of James , Joseph , Judas and Simon ?

  2. 曹丕信任和器重司马懿,封他为河津亭侯,后任丞相长史。

    Cao Pi had a great trust in Sima Yi and titled him Lord of Hejin Precinct . Later in his career , Sima Yi was appointed as Senior Assistant to the Prime Minister .

  3. 一例长生命史雷暴云分裂过程的回波特征

    Echo Structure for Splitting Process of A Long Life Cycle Thunder Cloud

  4. 因保持最长婚姻史而获得吉尼斯世界纪录称号的一对英国夫妇日前表示,他们婚姻幸福的制胜法宝就是每天一杯威士忌、一杯葡萄酒和常说“对不起”。

    British couple who hold the world record for the longest marriage said on Wednesday their success was down to a glass of whisky , a glass of sherry and the word " sorry " .

  5. 一个人最长的恋爱史,大概就是自恋了。

    A person longest love history , probably was the narcissism .

  6. 警方了解这名枪手,他有很长的犯罪史,并处在保释期间。

    The gunman was known to police and was out on bail despite a long criminal history .

  7. 外,其余均为长循环型生活史,夏孢子、冬孢子寄主涉及到单子叶和双子叶植物的13个科,57个属。

    , is microcyclic , uredospore and teliospore hosts are involved in 13 families and 57 genera of monocotyledon and dicotyledon .