
  1. 在他们早期的作品中可以看出很强烈的长安画派笔墨风格。

    In their early can be seen in the works of very intense " chang-an school " painting style .

  2. 所以,尽管形成了各自风格,但在他们的画作中依然保留着长安画派艺术风格的基本特色。

    So , although formed their own style , but in their paintings of retains a " chang-an school " artistic style of basic characteristics .

  3. 60年代曾师从长安画派创始人石鲁,方济众,蔡鹤汀、刘文西等研习中国画。

    In the60s , he studied Chinese painting from Shilu , Fang Jizhong , Cai Heting , Liu Wenxi , who were the initiators of Changan Painting Circle .

  4. 如果把学习长安画派当成一种目的,仅仅是为了像它,那就违背了长安画派艺术思想的初衷了。

    If the learning " chang-an school " as an objective , just to like it , violated the " chang-an school " artistic thought of the original intention .

  5. 方济众作为二十世纪响誉中国美术界著名的长安画派主要画家之一,他的绘画艺术一直为后来的艺术后学们所敬仰。

    Fang Jizhong loud as one of the twentieth century , the Chinese art world famous " Chang ' an Hua Pai " is mainly a painter , his painting has been Later arts school who admired .

  6. 当然,创新也是在学习的基础上而来的,对长安画派艺术思想的本质和精髓、对它的笔墨运用不了解,所谓创新也就无从谈起。

    Of course , innovation is also the basis of the study , to " chang-an school " artistic thought of nature and to its essence , indescribably use does not understand , so-called innovation also cannot survive .

  7. 长安画派坚持一手伸向传统,一手伸向生活的创作宗旨和艺术追求,带有鲜明的时代特色和强烈的地域风格。

    The creative purpose and artistic pursuit of " Chang ' an Painting School " is that " one hand for tradition , one hand for stretching the life ", with a distinctive character and a strong regional style .

  8. 康师尧不仅是长安画派的主要创始人之一,而且也是长安画派画家中唯一的一位以花鸟画著称画坛的。

    Kang ShiYao is not only " chang an school " one of the main founder , and also the " chang an school " in one of the only artist to painting of the painting is famous for .

  9. 作为长安画派中唯一一位执着于以花鸟画为主要艺术表现的画家,康师尧固守着属于自己的典雅与清新风格,从而给大气磅礴的长安画派带来了似水柔情的一面。

    Kang Shi Yao is only one of the main works of the school of flower-and-bird painting ; he sticks with his own style which is elegance and freshness . It is giving majestic Chang ' an Painting brings gentleness side .

  10. 最后以陕西当代国画创作为背景,总结了长安画派的创作特点,引申出了长安画派的当代价值及启示,这对长安画派的研究做进一步的拓宽和深化大有裨益。

    Finally summed up the creation characteristic of The Chang An Drawing School on the background of the contemporary traditional Chinese painting of Shanxi . Further more extended its contemporary value and enlightenment , which be great benefit to the research for The Chang An Drawing School .

  11. 这并不是说长安画派对他们的影响结束了,恰恰相反,他们正是遵循了长安画派的艺术理念的精华。

    This is not to say " chang-an school " on their influence over , on the contrary , they are followed " chang-an school " is the essence of the artistic ideas .