
zhǎng zhě
  • elder;senior;venerable elder;influential figure;father figure;mzee
长者 [zhǎng zhě]
  • (1) [senior]∶年纪大、辈份高的人

  • 伤长者之意。--《战国策.燕策》

  • 为长者折枝。--《孟子.梁惠王上》

  • 长者虽有问,役夫敢伸恨。--唐. 杜甫《兵车行》

  • 长者加以金银华美之服。--宋. 司马光《训俭示康》

  • (2) [venerable elder]∶指有德行的人

  • 忠厚长者

  • 市人皆以嬴为小人,而以公子为长者。--《史记.魏公子列传》

  • 以君为长者。--《战国策.魏策》

  • (3) [influential figure]∶显贵的人

长者[zhǎng zhě]
  1. 在另一个用法中,亚洲文化中的人可能认为沉默是一种尊重,特别是对长者或当权者。

    In still another use , persons in Asian cultures may view silence as a sign of respect , particularly to an elder or a person in authority .

  2. 他不应模仿那长者。

    He shouldn 't burlesque the elder .

  3. 不管正不正当,反正许多年长者都害怕街头暴力。

    Rightly or wrongly , many older people are afraid of violence in the streets .

  4. 他成了整个公司的长者。

    He became a father figure to the whole company .

  5. 村里的长者代表团在村长的带领下到达了。

    A deputation of elders from the village arrived headed by its chief .

  6. 您是位睿智的长者:告诉我该怎么办。

    You 're a wise old man : tell me what to do .

  7. 劳动人口中,年轻人失业的可能性是年长者的好几倍。

    Young people were several times more likely to be out of work than older members of the workforce

  8. “喂,闭嘴,对长者要尊重,”兰达对那男孩说。

    ' Oi , shut your mouth and have respect for elders , ' Langda said to the boy .

  9. 他怀着极大的兴趣,尽可能多地阅读、倾听镇上长者的意见并了解家乡以外的世界。

    With great interest , he read everything he could lay his hands on , listened to the town elders and learned about the world beyond his tiny hometown .

  10. 有个长者经过,看见狐狸在兔子旁边哭泣,觉得奇怪,就问狐狸哭泣的原因。

    An elderly gentleman who happened to pass by was surprised at the scene . Curiously2 , he asked the fox the reason of her bitter weeping .

  11. 如今,世界各地均有这一风潮,而且佩戴者也不限于青少年群体,在年长者和名人当中也很流行。

    They are now popular throughout the world and are not only popular among teenagers but among the older generation ; they are popular among celebrities as well .

  12. “不像他们年长者的稀有一代,不是醉心于状态&定向商标,”Black说道。

    " The Rare Generation , unlike their elders , isn 't crazy about status-oriented brands ," says Black .

  13. 这种危险性可能还因年长者寻找年轻的性行为积极的妇女而变得更加严重,这会增加他们感染HIV的风险。

    The danger may be compounded by older men seeking out younger , sexually active women , which increases their chances of exposure to HIV .

  14. 长者们对猪流感的叫法比对其官方名H1N1甲型流感要更熟悉,这并不奇怪。

    It is not surprising that swine flu is more familiar to the elderly than its official name H1N1 Influenza A.

  15. 另外,与Ram不同,很多家庭中的长者更相信传统的接生员,而这些人员往往没有能力处理产科急症。

    Also – unlike Ram – family elders often have more faith in traditional birth attendants , who are not always able to handle obstetric emergencies .

  16. 乐施会访问了一位村民,他说自己并不懂得任何ODu歌谣,而族里亦只有六、七位长者能操流利的ODu语。

    One villager interviewed by Oxfam Hong Kong said he knows no traditional song and that only six or seven elderly men can speak the O Du mother tongue fluently .

  17. adv.有礼貌地小孩对长者说话应有礼貌。

    respectfully Children should speak respectfully to their elders .

  18. 入院前病程长者,抑郁分高,ADL可提高的幅度小(P<0.05);

    The SDS scores of patients with long course of disease before hospitalization were higher ; there was a small improved extent for ADL ( P < 0.05 ) .

  19. 方法用CPM观察治疗骨关节损伤术后患者68例,治疗时间最长者4周,最短者8天,平均治疗15.6天。

    Method To treat 68 patients after operation of bone joint by using CPM , last from 8 days to 4 weeks respectively , ( the average is 15.6 days ) .

  20. 在Airbnb,我也学到作为现代的长者,我的角色是在公共场合做实习生,而私下则扮演着导师的角色。

    At Airbnb , I also learned as a modern elder that my role was to intern publicly and mentor privately .

  21. 分析家J.PeterPham说,谢里夫总统需要尽快加强有影响力的团体对政府的支持,比如教士,宗族长者,公民社团领导和商人。

    Analyst J. Peter Pham says President Sharif needs to quickly shore up support for his government among influential groups such as clerics , clan elders , civil society leaders , and businessmen .

  22. 随着我在Airbnb工作的时间越来越久,我意识到可能有一种新形态的长者在工作中出现了。

    As I spent more time at Airbnb , I realized it 's possible a new kind of elder was emerging in the workplace .

  23. Goldman和Gabriel在人类问题上花了很长时间,比如如何引导来宾到你的项目以及如何尊敬群体中那些时间比较长的且值得尊敬的长者。

    Goldman and Gabriel spend a lot of time on the human issues , such as how to guide visitors to your project and honor the elders who are the long-time , respected members of the community .

  24. 福井威夫(TakeoFukui)给人的第一印象,是一位可靠的长者,这正是人们心目中世界一流日本汽车制造商老板的形象。

    At first glance Takeo Fukui cuts the kind of reassuringly grey figure one would expect of the head of a world-beating Japanese carmaker .

  25. 智库“城市中心”(CentreforCities)近日的一份调查报告称,伦敦有35%的工作需要大学学历,三分之一的英国居民在二十几岁时迁往伦敦定居,年轻人和外国移民的流入要多于年长者的流出。

    A report by the Centre for Cities this week found that 35 per cent of London 's jobs are graduate level , and a third of UK residents who relocate in their twenties move to London . This inflow of the young and foreign immigrants more than offsets an outflow of older people .

  26. 术后LH、T、E2浓度均较术前明显下降,与术前平均值比较,均P<0.01,术后受孕者,各种激素下降幅度较大(P<001),病程较长者手术治疗效果较好。

    E 2 after operation than before operation ( P < 0.01 ) . The pregnant women ′ s various hormonal level was declined greatly ( P < 0.01 ); the effect was well especially for the patients with long course of diseases .

  27. 但是就在下一句话中,他转向了但丁:所以,布鲁图再次背叛了一位信任他的长者,就像他之前背叛庞培(Pompey)和加图(Cato)那样。

    But he turns Dantesque in the very next sentence : And so , once again , Brutus betrayed an older man who trusted him , just as he had earlier betrayed first Pompey and then Cato .

  28. 用保存角膜行部分穿透角膜移植,观察37只兔(37只眼),植片保持透明最短时间为4d,30d以上者7只眼,最长者达1年以上。

    Partial penetrating keratoplasties were done in 37 rabbits ( 37 eyes ) with the preserved cornea . The grafts remained transparent for a minimum of < 1 days to a maximum of over one year with 7 grafts remaining transparent over 30 days .

  29. J.k.加尔布雷斯曾说过:“政治不是有关可能性的艺术,它要么给人带来灾难,要么让人难以接受。”也许加尔布雷斯谈论的是我们迟迟不肯做出为年长者将来的护理进行开销的决定。

    J. K. Galbraith once said , " Politics is not the art of the possible . It consists of choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable . " He could have been speaking of the decisions we keep putting off about how we pay for future care of the elderly .

  30. 电针针刺时间长者改善睡眠更好。

    Seep may be improved better if EA for along period .