
chánɡ máo xiànɡ
  • mammoth;wooly mammoth
  1. 不知道可能因为你是长毛象

    I don 't know . Because you 're a mammoth .

  2. 这头长毛象的小小躯体在2007年五月为人发现。

    This tiny mammoth 's body was found in May of2007 .

  3. 相比之前的方法,这种从毛发里提取基因的技术标志着一大进步。这一技术包括梳理重组冰冻的长毛象骨头里的DNA。

    The hair technique marks a giant 's step forward compared to the previous method , which consisted of teasing DNA out of the remains of frozen bone marrow .

  4. 它是至今发现的长毛象中保存最为完善的一只。

    She is the most perfectly preserved woolly mammoth ever discovered .

  5. 你在说,你是世界上的最后一头长毛象了。

    I 'm talking about you being the last of your kind .

  6. 可怜,不知道自己是长毛象。

    Poor guy doesn 't know he 's a mammoth .

  7. 我想他拿我和长毛象比较。

    I think he had me pinned up against a woolly mammoth .

  8. 蛮尼!我刚听说长毛象会绝种。

    Manny , I just heard you 're going extinct .

  9. 你们可能是唯二的长毛象

    Cos you might be the only two mammoths left on Earth .

  10. 这次的万国博览会最主要的展览物是长毛象。

    In Aichi expo . , the most important exhibition is Mammoth .

  11. 从早期的猛犸象进化而来的长毛象生存于约40万年前。

    The woolly mammoth evolved from earlier mammoth species around 400000 years ago .

  12. 长毛象可能因为爱冒险而绝种

    Lily-livered . Maybe mammoths are going extinct because they get in danger .

  13. 不过长毛象不是快绝种了吗?

    But haven 't mammoths pretty much gone extinct ?

  14. 例如:毛猛犸(长毛象)就生活在西伯利亚极冷的环境下。

    For example the hardy woolly mammoths lived in the extreme cold of Siberia .

  15. 也许长毛象就是因为它们太爱冒险而会绝种的。

    Maybe mammoths are going extinct because they put themselves in danger too often .

  16. 长毛象不会绝种我们体型最大

    Mammoths can 't go extinct . They 're the biggest things on Earth .

  17. 早上起床我还是负鼠…现在变成长毛象了

    This morning I woke up a possum and now I 'm a mammoth .

  18. 糟糕了因为以长毛象来说你实在…

    That 's too bad , because as far as mammoths go , you 're ,

  19. 不如叫“喜怒无常长毛象曼尼”如何?

    How about Manny the Moody Mammoth ?

  20. 尽管如此,你上一次见到别的长毛象是在什么时候?

    Be that as it may , when 's the last time you saw another mammoth ?

  21. 瞧,曼尼,这就是你的问题,长毛象应该像他们那样。

    See ? That 's your problem . That 's what mammoths are supposed to do .

  22. 它们可能雕刻在墙壁上、骨头上、古代长毛象的象牙上。

    Which have been engraved on walls , bones , and the ivory tusks of mammoths .

  23. 两名长毛象专家研究它的出土之地,并且对该地区进行更进一步的解读。

    Two mammoth experts study the place where she was dug up and explain more about the area .

  24. 本片最有趣的情节是讲述被家人遗下的树獭森仔,它结识了富同情心的长毛象文辉,它俩一同上路。

    Sid has been left behind by his family but cheers up when he sees a mammoth coming his way .

  25. 剑齿虎狄亚哥、长毛象蛮尼和树懒喜德全都重返萤光幕前,将一切化险为夷。

    Diego the tiger , Manny the mammoth , and Sid the sloth are all back to save the day .

  26. 您将会跟著研究人员回到发现鲁芭这头长毛象宝宝的所在地。

    You will journey with researchers as they go back to where Lyuba , the baby mammoth , was found .

  27. 像长毛象般大的熔岩从天而降

    This is exactly what I 'm talking about . Giants balls of furry lava the size of mammoths raining from the sky .

  28. 吉萨大金字塔约在公元前2560年建成,远远早于人们所知的长毛象灭绝时间。

    The Great Pyramid of Giza was completed around 2560BC , well over 500 years before mammoths are thought to have become completely extinct .

  29. 长毛象和大象很相似,它们基因的差别只有百分之0.6,这个数字差不多是人类与黑猩猩基因差别的一半。

    The two species are so similar that their DNA differs by just 0.6 percent , or about half the differences between humans and chimps .

  30. 各自成群的长毛象直到公元前2000年仍然生存于这世上,有许多远古艺术作品描绘了人类和存活的长毛象之间的接触。

    Isolated populations of the woolly mammoth survived until around 2000 BC . Many examples of art depicting human interactions with woolly mammoths still survive .