
  • 网络Desert Animal
  1. 现在沙漠动物都开始往我家跑了。

    And now , desert animals are starting to come into my house .

  2. 和大部分沙漠动物不同,美洲狮在白天十分活跃。

    Unlike most other desert animals , mountain lions are active during the daytime .

  3. 大多数沙漠动物会挖掘洞穴来保护自己不受沙风的侵袭。

    Most animals that live in deserts dig burrows to protect themselves from the sand-laden wind .

  4. 沙鼠大概不需要吃这么多的蔬菜和水果,因为它们是沙漠动物,需要的水很少。

    Gerbils probably will not eat many of these , since , as desert-born animals , they need so little water .

  5. 一个国际保护组织称,拯救稀有沙漠动物阿拉伯大羚羊的努力取得了重大成功。

    An international conservation group says efforts to save a rare desert animal known as the Arabian oryx have been a major success .

  6. 孩子,我们是沙漠动物,需要驼峰去储存水份。要知道,没有水我们无法生存。

    Well son , we are desert animals , we need the humps to store water and we are known to survive without water .

  7. 许多人都有这样一个错误的观念,以为蝎子都是沙漠动物,但事实上,在其它地方也能看到它们的踪迹,例如草原,森林,洞穴等。

    Many people have a misconception that scorpions are desert animals , but in fact , they can be seen in many other habitats , such as grasslands , forests , caves and so on .

  8. 在复杂的图画中隐藏著澳大利亚沙漠的动物。

    Hidden away in intricate drawings are animals of the Australian desert .

  9. 我认为国家公园、林和沙漠是属于动物们的,不是我的。

    I think national parks , forests and deserts are for animals , not for me .

  10. 许多地区都会变成沙漠,许多动物都会失去家园并可能会濒于灭绝。

    Many areas would become deserts and many animals would lose their homes and maybe die out .

  11. 某些沙漠中的动物之所以能够生存在夏季高温、干燥的环境中,是因为它们都有不同寻常的特点。

    Some desert animals can survive the very strong summer heat and dryness because they have very unusual characters .

  12. 它是丰富的仙人掌和沙漠植物物种以及沙漠动物栖息的家园。

    It is home to abundant cacti and desert plant species as well as the desert animals that inhabit them .

  13. 这种瘦长动物的腿很长也很笨拙,但穿越沙漠的时间却比大部分其他沙漠动物还要快上一倍。

    The lanky animals long , but awkward legs traveled across the desert in half the time it took most other desert animals .