
  • 网络Schachter;Schacht;Ben Schachter;S.Schachter
  1. 但沙赫特也表示,拆分以后,两个独立的公司能够更容易地进行并购和寻找合作伙伴。

    Schachter did say that the split-up does make it easier for the separate companies to make acquisitions and sign up partners .

  2. 他还有两个女儿伊诺娜•沙赫特-里奇(IlonaSchachter-Rich)和丹妮尔•基尔斯托克•里奇(DanielleKilstockRich)在世。

    He is survived by his daughters , Ilona Schachter-Rich and Danielle Kilstock Rich .

  3. 其中一个重要原因在于:希特勒政府的经济部门的领导权还一直掌握在右翼保守派理论家,如施密特(KurtSchmitt)、沙赫特(HjalmarSchacht)等人的手上的。

    One of the important reasons is that the leading power of economy department in the Hitler government is still in the hand of the right conservative theorists , like Kurt Schmitt and Hjalmar Schacht .