
  • 网络investigation
  1. 据WTO统计,1995年世贸组织成立以来,成员方涉及中国产品的反倾销立案调查,占案件总数的1/7左右。

    According to WTO statistics , world trade organization was founded in 1995 , involving Chinese products briefings , anti-dumping investigation of cases the 1 / total around seven .

  2. 目前南通警方已立案调查。

    Local police has already initiated an investigation into this event .

  3. 1月22日,四家上市公司发布公告称,他们的独立董事宋常因涉嫌内幕交易和短线交易被证监会立案调查。

    Four listed companies announced on Friday that their independent director Song Chang is under investigation1 by the China Securities Regulatory Commission for suspected insider trading and short-swing trading .

  4. 中国公安部7月份时对英国医药公司葛兰素史克(Glaxosmithklineplc,GSK,GSK.LN)进行立案调查,该公司被指控贿赂医生、医院和政府官员,以达到高价出售更多药品的目的。

    The Ministry of Public Security in July accused U.K. drug company GlaxoSmithKline PLC of bribing doctors , hospitals and government officials in an effort to sell more drugs at higher prices .

  5. 法布里坎特博士则称,F.D.A.需要一定时间来立案调查该维生素,因为遵照法律,在要求召回该产品之前,该机构有责任先证明它们确实有害。

    Dr. Fabricant said that the agency needed time to build a case against the vitamins because it had a legal burden to prove that they were dangerous before it could seek to have them recalled .

  6. 我们会立案调查,抓住他的。

    We will build a case and we will nail him .

  7. 我觉得警察在立案调查我

    I-I think the police are building a case against me .

  8. 一是案件的发现。二是,立案调查。

    First , Search for cases . Second , investigate .

  9. 警察有了这文件就能对托比立案调查

    if the police could use it to build a case against Toby .

  10. 联邦调查局对此立案调查,但并未提起诉讼。

    The FBI investigated but did not pursue charges .

  11. 昨天上午,警方以侵犯财物治安案件立案调查。

    Yesterday morning , the police to investigate cases of violations of property order .

  12. 如此政府立案调查他的同时就会一直确保我的人身安全

    The government is keeping me safe while they build their case against him .

  13. “如果总统继续避免承认中国的货币操纵和未能用有效的方式来处理这个问题,国会将采取行动。”格拉斯利还呼吁通过世界贸易组织对中国进行正式的立案调查。

    Grassley also called for a formal case against China through the World Trade Organization .

  14. 而斯托杰自愿立案调查一家水力压裂技术公司的工业园区。

    Stottje volunteered to build a case against an industrial complex being constructed by a fracking company .

  15. 我保证我有让你立案调查的所有信息

    I promise you , I have all the information you need to open up an investigation .

  16. 因卷入宏观经济数据泄密事件而正被北京市人民检察院立案调查的五人中,有两人已被媒体确定身份姓名。

    Five people are currently under investigation for leaking sensitive data on China 's economy prior to its official release .

  17. 我的意思是对盗取尸体的人立案调查是件轻而易举的事

    No , I 'm saying it 'll be easy to build a case against a person who took the body .

  18. 在决定立案调查前,应当通知有关出口国(地区)政府。

    The MOFTEC shall , before deciding to initiate an investigation , notify the government of the relevant exporting country ( region ) .

  19. 要我去法庭上指控兄弟会吗现在我们只想立案调查他们那些钱怎么办

    Does that mean I have to testify against the Brotherhood ? Right now , we 're just trying to make a case against them .

  20. 目前,“闫德利事件”是否在当地立案调查,容城警方尚未作出正式回应。

    At present ," Yan Deli incident " is in the local investigation cases , which allow the city police have yet to make a formal response .

  21. 中国商务部补充说,美方在2011年11月对中国光伏电池立案调查,事实证明并未帮助美国太阳能行业提升业绩。

    The ministry added that a probe into Chinese solar cells that opened in November 2011 did little to help improve the performance of the US solar industry .

  22. 随着我国对外贸易的快速发展,越来越多的出口产品遭遇到反倾销立案调查,我国已成为国际反倾销的重灾区。

    China has become the severely afflicted area of international antidumping , for more and more exports of our country suffer antidumping investigation with the rapid development of foreign trade .

  23. 最近3年没有受到监管机构的重大处罚,没有重大事项正在接受司法部门、监管机构的立案调查。

    It has not been subject to any major punishment by the surveillant organ and has nothing important being investigated by the judicial organ or the surveillant organ for the last three years .

  24. 谢尔曼•斯特灵律师事务所(Shearman&Sterling)的一项调查显示,去年公布的这类新立案调查案件有15起,高于2005年的8起,而这并不是单独一年的反常情况。

    Last year 15 new investigations were reported , up from eight in 2005 , and that was not a one-year anomaly , according to a survey by the law firm Shearman & Sterling .

  25. 一个手无寸铁的黑人少年在郊区圣路易斯被以警察击毙,人们自发组织了烛光守夜活动悼念这名青年。由于局势紧张,一天以后,联邦调查局对此立案调查。

    The FBI is now investigating the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenage by police in suburban St. Louis a day after tensions erupted in unrest following a candlelight vigil for the teen .

  26. 目前美国不但是反倾销立案调查最多的国家,也是反倾销立法最完善的国家。

    Currently , the United States is not only an country who carry through investigation into the antidumping case than any other country , but also the country who has the most comprehensive national anti-dumping legislation .

  27. 我国企业在国际贸易中不断遭受美、欧等西方国家发起反倾销立案调查,有复杂的经济和政治原因,但中国的非市场经济地位问题是一个集中反映这种复杂性的重要原因。

    Among the complicated economical and political reasons why Chinese enterprises have been frequently accused of dumping in the foreign markets , the " Non-market economy ( NME )" status inflicted on China is the most important one , which just reflects the complication .

  28. 中国证券监督管理委员会副主席姜洋在上市公司峰会上表示,今年1-6月,正式立案调查的违法违规案件26起,比去年同期大幅增长。

    Jiang Yang , vice chairman of China Securities Regulatory Commission ( CSRC ) , told a listed-companies summit that in the first six months , 26 cases had been submitted to investigations , representing a hefty increase from the same period a year ago .

  29. 检察机关提起公益诉讼需要经过立案、调查、收集和审查各种证据,根据事实和法律决定是否提起诉讼,然后进入诉讼程序。

    The process of the public service lawsuit should include placing on file , investigating , collecting and examining various kinds of evidences , determining whether to litigate or not according to the fact and law , and then entering the proceeding .

  30. 检察机关在立案监督中调查权初探

    Primary Probing into the Inquiry Power of the Procuratorial Organ in Filling a Case Supervision