
lì fǎ wěi yuán
  • legislator;lawmaker;member of the legislature
  1. 他的家人力捧他竞选立法委员。

    His families were booming him for legislator .

  2. 一位女立法委员说要关闭消费者基金会而引起了公愤。

    The public angered by what a lady legislator said to close down the Consumers'Foundation .

  3. 华人圈内首家同志主题书店晶晶书库(GinGinStore)的发言人杨平靖谴责立法委员们在这个问题上装聋作哑。

    James Yang , a spokesman for Gin Gin Store , one of the first bookstores dedicated to the LGBT community and sexology in the Chinese-speaking world , blames the legislators of turning a deaf ear . '

  4. 台湾立法委员们正要求兆丰银行提供与2006年发放给TPG-新桥(TPGNewbridge)的6.7亿美元贷款相关的所有账目细目。台湾政府持有兆丰银行母公司17%的股份。

    Taiwan legislators are demanding that Mega , in whose parent the government owns a 17 per cent stake , provide full accounting details relating to a $ 670m loan to TPG Newbridge in 2006 .

  5. 台湾经济部次长黄重球(huangchung-chiu)昨日对立法委员表示,在审查了文件后,证明中策的资助者并非中国大陆公民,而持有英国和香港护照。

    China strategic appeared to have passed one hurdle as Huang chung-chiu , taiwan 's Deputy economics minister , told legislators yesterday that a review of documents showed its backers were not mainland Chinese nationals , but carried British and Hong Kong passports .

  6. 十三位效力于利库德的立法委员,现已任职大臣。

    Thirteen of Mr Netanyahu 's Likud lawmakers are now ministers .

  7. 草拟该议案的立法委员中,有许多是土地所有者。

    Many of the legislators who drafted the bill are landowners .

  8. 动物是不会成为州立法委员的。

    ok . Animals don 't become state legislators , either .

  9. 事实上,我与部分美国立法委员分享了这个想法。

    I actually shared that with some legislators here in the U.S.

  10. 这两位立法委员都要求马利基下台。

    Both lawmakers are called for al-maliki 's ouster .

  11. 这位扎着马尾辫的立法委员是一名激进分子,他小小的办公室里堆满了革命艺术品。

    The pony-tailed activist-turned-legislator spoke in a small office cluttered with revolutionary kitsch .

  12. 尼日利亚某立法委员在参加国民大会时,在期间的一场打斗中伤了胳膊。

    Nigerian lawmaker has broken his arm in a scuffle in the National Assembly .

  13. 不过,另外一位共和党立法委员、参议员苏珊柯林斯持不同看法。

    But another Republican Party lawmaker , Senator Susan Collins , took a different position .

  14. 法国、德国、意大利和韩国的立法委员已派专人调查此事。

    Investigations have been launched by French , German , Italian and South Korean regulators .

  15. 中国立法委员呼吁禁止鲨鱼翅交易。

    Lawmaker urges shark fin trading ban .

  16. 立法委员告诫说,这种限制无意中可能会伤害美国乡村一些诚实勤恳的农户。

    Lawmakers warn that such a limit might unintentionally hurt honest , hardworking families in rural America .

  17. 布什在星期六的每周电台演讲中敦促立法委员重新制定反恐法案。

    In his weekly radio address Saturday , the president urged lawmakers to renew anti-terrorism legislation that allows U.

  18. 本文以2004年台湾立法委员选举为例,探讨美貌对候选人得票率的影响。

    Using data from the2004 legislator elections , this paper studies the effect of beauty on election outcomes .

  19. 在座的立法委员中,只有少数几位曾经使用过网上支付平台的服务。

    Of the legislators in the room , only a few had ever used any form of online payment platform .

  20. 我住在德州的时候,曾有个立法委员沃伦·奇松喜欢利用这个论调来谴责同性恋。

    There was a legislator when I lived in Texas , Warren Chisum , who used to love this argument .

  21. 中国高级立法委员已开会听取立法会议上审议的一项法律草案的报告。

    Senior Chinese lawmakers have met to hear a deliberation report on a draft law being reviewed at the ongoing legislative session .

  22. 通过选择立法委员、拟草案、测试社会效应、答疑修改、送审、通过公布等环节,政策最终被制定。

    Through the choice of legislators , protocol , test , modify , social effect and so on ," Policy " is eventually developed .

  23. 在威斯康星,一个州立法委员想通过对视频游戏征税来为未成年罪犯司法系统筹集资金。

    In Wisconsin , a state legislator wants to raise more money for the juvenile criminal justice system via a tax on video games .

  24. 阿德:电影《魔法灵猫》甚至还把我们立法委员打架的画面搬上电视屏幕。真丢脸。

    Aduh : That movie Cat in the Hat even shows our legislators fighting on TV . Sheesh ! What a loss of face .

  25. 每隔十年,在全国人口普查之后,各个州要为国会代表以及州立法委员重划选区界限。

    Every ten years , following the national census , each state must redraw the constituency boundaries for both its members of Congress and its state legislators .

  26. 但既然立法委员可以把财政预算的分配做得如此完美,那么比较这两方面的政府财政预算从宪法角度讲也就没有多少合理性。

    But there is no logical reason to pit two parts of the state budget against each other constitutionally when legislators are perfectly capable of doing the allocating .

  27. 《2002年农业法案》通过后不久,一些农业州的立法委员及农场团体就开始抱怨美国农业部关于法案实施的某些决策。

    After the2002 Farm Bill was passed , it did not take long for some farm-state lawmakers and farm groups to complain about some USDA decisions regarding implementation .

  28. 而立法委员在同仁惨痛之实例下,则常于修法或审查预算时,利用职权反制检察及司法机关。

    Furthermore , Legislators , after their colleagues were detained , often exercise their legislative power-amending laws or boycotting budget bills-to counter the prosecution and the judiciary system .

  29. 民进党籍立法委员萧美琴曾在2006年提出同性婚姻法草案,但因签名人数不足而被驳回。

    In 2006 , legislator Hsiao Bi-khim of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party proposed a bill to recognize same-sex marriages but it was returned due to insufficient signatures .

  30. 国民党籍立法委员吴育升则辩称,这样的指责是不公平的。他表示,同性恋社团才是行动迟缓的一方。

    That 's unfair , said Wu Yu-sheng , a KMT lawmaker , who argued the gay community is the one that has been slow about promoting their cause .