
wài jiāo huò miǎn quán
  • diplomatic immunity
  1. IMF表示,外交豁免权在该案件中将不适用。

    The IMF said that diplomatic immunity would not cover its managing director in this case .

  2. Car的设计能够最大程度地减少你可能面临的交通拥堵费、过路费和停车罚款,这是因为,尽管它实实在在地存在于道路上,但它的官方注册地是一个加勒比海小岛,这使得Car拥有外交豁免权。

    Car has also been programmed to minimise your exposure to congestion charging , toll roads and parking fines because although it has a physical presence on the roads it is officially registered to a small island in the Caribbean that has given it diplomatic immunity .

  3. 他说,此事涉及到一个必须遵守的更大的原则,即外交豁免权。他说,美国仍然坚持,必须释放Davis。

    He said the matter involves the broader principle of diplomatic immunity that must be upheld , saying the U.S. has been " very firm " about the need for Mr. Davis 's release .

  4. 长屋对被指控的罪名没有外交豁免权。

    Nagaya does not have diplomatic immunity for the alleged offenses .

  5. 财政部因为外交豁免权问题

    Treasury Department kept running into issues Of diplomatic immunity ,

  6. 承认外交豁免权有效.国有船舶豁免权公约

    Respect diplomatic immunity as valid Convention on the Immunity of State-owned Vessel

  7. 如果外交豁免权这样使用的话,我将对此嗤之以鼻。

    Diplomatic immunity enforces crap like this and it pisses me off .

  8. 为了避免被捕,他声称享有外交豁免权。

    He claimed diplomatic immunity to avoid being arrested .

  9. 我们在华盛顿欺骗了外交豁免权。

    We cheat diplomatic immunity here in dc .

  10. 他有完整的外交豁免权。

    He 's got full diplomatic immunity .

  11. 这名美国情报官员的妻子返回美国并声称享有外交豁免权。

    The wife of an American intelligence official returned to the United States claiming diplomatic immunity .

  12. 标记.特工.下层人.他们可能会被捕或者被取消外交豁免权

    My markers , agents , lowlifes.People who might find themselves arrested or their diplomatic immunity suddenly rescinded .

  13. 活标记特工游民他们会莫名被捕莫名被撤销外交豁免权

    My markers , agents , lowlifes . People who might find themselves arrested or their diplomatic immunity suddenly rescinded .

  14. 奥巴马坚称前特勤人员雷蒙德戴维斯拥有外交豁免权,应该被遣送回美国受审。

    Mr Obama insisted that Raymond Davis , a former member of the special forces , has diplomatic immunity and should be returned to American custody .

  15. 作为满足旅游部形象宣传的条件,甲壳虫获得了外交豁免权。乐队发现了一个他们喜欢的、吉他形状的岛屿,叫做“Leslo”——任何地图上都没有。

    In exchange for a photo op with the Ministry of Tourism , The Beatles received diplomatic immunity.The band found a spot to their liking , a guitar-shaped island called Leslo , which doesn 't exist on any map .

  16. 第十一条享有外交特权和豁免权的外国人的刑事责任,通过外交途径解决。

    Article 11 . The problem of criminal responsibility of foreigners who enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunity is to be resolved through diplomatic channels .