
wài jiāo cí lìnɡ
  • Diplomatic rhetoric;diplomatic language/parlance
  1. 这种说法是指代间谍行为的常用外交辞令。

    The phrase is common diplomatic parlance for spying .

  2. 他虽然不是外交官,却能熟练地使用外交辞令。

    Although not a diplomat , he can proficiently use diplomatic terms .

  3. 而在华盛顿,奥巴马(obama)政府表达了同样的看法,不过语气更加委婉,更像是外交辞令。

    In Washington , the Obama administration has voiced similar thoughts , albeit more diplomatically and obliquely .

  4. 那些精通外交辞令的人可能已经看出奥巴马与小布什(GeorgeW.Bush)对华态度的不同之处。

    Those versed in diplomatese might spot the difference between Mr Obama and George W. Bush 's agenda in China .

  5. 非洲领导人和非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)最近敦促各国政府携手合作,以确保各自都能最大限度地获益于与主要贸易伙伴的关系,但他们都以温和的外交辞令掩盖自己的担忧。

    African leaders and the African Development Bank have recently urged governments to work with each other to ensure they maximise benefits from relations with their leading trade partner , but they have traditionally cloaked their concerns in emollient diplomatese .

  6. 但是,当就连国际货币基金组织(IMF)和经合组织(OECE)都抛开外交辞令,对全球增长停滞发出警告并敦促利用财政支出来提振需求时,眼下就肯定到了全球财长们应该一致采取行动的时候了。

    But when even the International Monetary Fund and the OECD forum put diplomacy aside to warn of flatlining global growth and urge fiscal spending to boost demand , it is surely time for the world 's finance ministers to get their act together .

  7. 外交辞令方面很早就表明日本有再次侵略的野心。

    Official rhetoric has long claimed that Japan is bent on reconquest .

  8. 除此之外,或许还可以加上外交辞令吧。

    To that , we might add protocol , too .

  9. 咱们之间说话就没有必要用外交辞令了吧。

    There is no need to use diplomatic language while we are talking .

  10. 整个公报使得当天充斥着相似的外交辞令。

    The public pronouncements made throughout the day were full of familiar rhetoric .

  11. 这是措辞在外交辞令,但用意是清楚的。

    This is couched in diplomatic language , but the intention is clear .

  12. 这里不用任何外交辞令,只需要几句现编的童话。

    No diplomatic language was needed . a few impromptu fairy tales were enough .

  13. 浅谈外交辞令的语言策略

    On the Linguistic Strategy of Diplomatic Language

  14. 我们得注意外交辞令。同时,当然斯巴达人也得考虑自己的名声。

    We must be diplomatic.And of course , Spartans ... have their reputation to consider .

  15. 在公开的评论中,两位总统都以委婉的外交辞令谈到了这个问题。

    In their public comments , both men spoke of the issue in very diplomatic terms .

  16. 要有礼;要按外交辞令写;即使在宣战文告里,依然是要遵循礼节的。

    Be polite ; write diplomatically ; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness .

  17. 模糊辞令简洁性、灵活性和概括性的特点恰好满足了外交辞令的要求。

    Featured as terseness , flexibility and generality , fuzzy wording successfully meets the demand of the diplomatic language .

  18. 他们为什么是外交辞令的佼佼者,却仍拙于国内政治?

    Why are they the planet 's masters of verbal diplomacy , but still so inept at home government ?

  19. 外交辞令有其不同于一般语言的独特之处,其显著特征就是讲究策略和礼貌。

    However , different from the ordinary language , diplomatic language has its unique characteristics as a tactful and polite language .

  20. 贝林翰作了清晰肯定的答复,完全不是闪烁其辞的外交辞令,被追问后,他补充说期限是“半年”。

    Bellingham delivers a distinctly undiplomatic answer in the affirmative and , when pushed , adds " within six months " .

  21. (联合)公报十分坦率地提出了这些分歧,而没有试图用一些外交辞令去遮盖分歧。

    This communique was unique in honestly setting forth differences rather than trying to cover them up with diplomatic double talk .

  22. 模糊语言在外交辞令中的运用,可以表示礼貌,创造和谐气氛以及达到某种交际目标。

    Application of fuzziness in diplomatic language can achieve the goals of good manners , harmonious atmosphere and special communication aim .

  23. 尽管使用了外交辞令,这些指责还是暴露了政策上的差异,以及更深层次的国家文化的差异。

    Even when couched in diplomatic terms , these reveal differences of policy and , more deeply , of national cultures .

  24. 模糊语言几乎存在于所有的交际形式当中,如新闻报道、外交辞令、商务谈判、广告等。

    Vague language appears in nearly all kinds of communicative forms , such as news report , diplomatic speeches , commercial negotiations , advertisements and so on .

  25. 外交家们常常运用外交辞令来发表会谈结果、回答敏感性问题以及缓和外交气氛。

    Diplomats frequently take the advantage of diplomatic parlance to announce the outcome of a talk , to answer sensitive questions and to harmonize the diplomatic atmosphere .

  26. 有记者问赖斯,美国是否会支持印度对巴基斯坦境内涉嫌恐怖主义基础设施采取的军事行动?美国国务卿赖斯用外交辞令作出了回答。

    Secretary Rice gave a diplomatic answer when questioned by a reporter if the United States would support a military strike by India on suspected terrorist infrastructure inside Pakistan .

  27. 而一开始,英国面临窘境,但之后强硬的外交辞令加上秘密的外交手腕则成功的解救了相关人员。

    While the initial incident was an embarrassment for Britain , it can now point to the success of its mixture of tough public rhetoric and private diplomacy in securing the captives'release .

  28. 作为外交辞令的一种策略手段和言语技巧,恰当运用模糊语言能满足特殊的社交需要,能起到几种修辞和交际功能。

    As one of the tactics and speech techniques of diplomatic language , proper fuzzy wording can meet the special needs of social contact , and carry out several rhetorical and communicative functions .

  29. 美国的评论人批评了这本回忆录,一些人说,因为克林顿可能打算竞选总统,这本书读起来像是几乎什么都不揭示的外交辞令。

    Reviewers in the United States have criticized the memoir , with some asserting that it reads like a diplomatic narrative that reveals little because Mrs. Clinton may be planning to run for president .

  30. 整篇演讲听上去就像标准的外交辞令,首席执行官在敏感问题上如履薄冰,但浓墨重彩地强调力拓与中国的合作机会及相互依存。

    The speech reads like standard-issue diplomacy , with the chief executive tiptoeing through the sensitive passages and laying heavy emphasis on the opportunities for co-operation and the mutual interdependence of Rio and China .