
qū zhú lìnɡ
  • expulsion order;deportation order;banishment order
驱逐令 [qū zhú lìng]
  • [floater] 驱逐一个被认为不受欢迎的公民的命令,通常是要其离开那一市镇或他的所在地;常指对犯轻罪者判以重刑,但只要其永远离开该法院的管辖区,此刑可以中止执行

  1. 政府发出了对那4名男子的驱逐令。

    The government issued a deportation order against the four men .

  2. 我可以让他们重新审查你的驱逐令。

    I could have the deportation order reviewed .

  3. 因为没有支付租金,她已经收到了市政会发给她的驱逐令。

    She has received an eviction order from the council for non-payment of rent .

  4. 据NPR新闻的西尔维亚·波焦利报道,哈萨克斯坦表示该女子不能离开,意大利政府则撤销了驱逐令。

    NPR 's Sylvia Poggioli reports the government revoked the deportation orders what Kazakhstan says the woman is not allowed to leave .

  5. 1987年,迈克尔杜卡基斯(MichaelDukakis)撤销了对唯信仰论传道士安妮哈钦森(AnneHutchinson)的驱逐令,后者因恩典救赎和经文救赎的教义分歧于1638年被驱逐出马萨诸塞湾殖民地。

    In 1987 , Michael Dukakis revoked the banishment of the antinomian preacher Anne Hutchinson , expelled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1638 over doctrinal differences concerning salvation by grace and salvation by works .

  6. 他正通过法庭对驱逐令表示反对。

    He is fighting an eviction order in court .

  7. 他怒气冲天地签署了一份驱逐令。

    He huffed and he puffed and he ... signed an eviction order .

  8. 他不得不申请驱逐令。

    He has to apply for an ouster order .

  9. 1706年12月17日,康熙帝下达了驱逐令和领票令。

    December 17th , 1706 , Emperor Kangxi issued the deportation order and votes-get order .

  10. 驱逐令在2002年被取消,但家族的名誉从未彻底恢复。

    That ban was lifted in 2002 , but the family 's reputation never fully recovered .

  11. 这项驱逐令是针对所有葡萄牙的俱乐部,因为他们在葡超联赛中的争端。

    The threat of expulsion is hanging over all Portuguese clubs because of a dispute in the SuperLiga .

  12. 在俄罗斯的策划下,今年2月吉尔吉斯斯坦也向美军下达了驱逐令,不过这一决定暂时已被推翻。

    In February , it was ordered out of Kyrgyzstan after Russian machinations , though that decision has been reversed for now .

  13. 美国国土安全部必须保证每一个接到驱逐令的墨西哥人都有权利见移民法官。

    The Department of Homeland Security must ensure Mexican nationals under deportation orders are given every opportunity to see an immigration judge .

  14. 此外,她也表示,如果苏丹政府不撤销驱逐令的话,受到影响的人口将可能达到数百万。

    Bragg added , that if Sudan does not reverse the expulsion order , the number of affected people could reach the millions .

  15. 由于这家人拖欠抵押贷款,当地警长于2013年9月份到她家下达驱逐令时发现了尸体。

    The corpse was discovered in September 2013 when the local sheriff arrived to evict the family after they defaulted on the mortgage .

  16. 如美国制定和修正了一系列法律来惩罚家庭暴力行为,设立了民事保护令制度;英国法律明确规定了两种判令:禁止骚扰令和驱逐令来保护受害者的权益等。

    Such as the United States of America formulate and revise a series of laws to punish acts of family violence , and create the civil protection order system ; British law clearly defines the two decree : prohibit harassment and deportation to protect the rights of victims .