
qū chónɡ jì
  • insect repellent
驱虫剂 [qū chóng jì]
  • [anthelmintic] 驱除肠内蛔虫、绦虫、蛲虫等寄生虫的药物,例如驱除蛔虫的山道年、使君子,驱除绦虫的槟榔、绵马、石榴皮、南瓜子,驱除蛲虫的龙胆紫

  1. 我必须全身都喷上驱虫剂。

    I had to put insect repellent all over my body .

  2. 然后,当然,驱虫剂、驱蚊器是非常重要的。

    And then , of course , insect repellent , mosquito repellent was very important .

  3. 目的探索某小学学生服食阿苯哒唑(Albendazole)驱虫剂引发流行性癔症的流行因素。

    Objective To analyze the epidemic factors of epidemic hysteria of primary students who had taken Albendazole anthelminthin agent .

  4. 在衣服及除脸以外暴露在外界的皮肤上喷抹含有DEET的驱虫剂。

    Spray insect repellent containing DEET on clothes and on exposed skin other than the face .

  5. 过去关于驱虫剂的作用原理的理论是DEET阻断了昆虫侦测到人体散发的乳酸气味的能力,而乳酸对蚊子来说就像磁铁一样有吸引力。

    The old theory of how insect repellents work was that DEET blocks the insect 's ability to detect lactic acid from people , which acts as a mosquito magnet .

  6. 他们将喷雾驱虫剂喷在了警察的脸上。

    They sprayed aerosol insect repellent into the faces of police .

  7. 第一个为人所知的驱虫剂是由古埃及人所使用的。

    The first known mosquito repellent was used by ancient Egyptians .

  8. 孕妇和哺乳期妇女应尽量使用驱虫剂。

    Pregnant and nursing women should minimize use of repellents .

  9. 尼泊尔农村:产前驱虫剂的使用与婴儿出生体重和成活率的相关性研究

    Antenatal anthelmintic treatment , birth-weight , and infant survival in rural Nepal

  10. 我带着超多驱虫剂才没挂掉。

    I wear lots of bug repellant so I don 't die .

  11. 他们所寻寻觅觅的就是驱虫剂。

    What they have been looking for is mosquito repellent .

  12. 切勿在伤口或发炎的皮肤上使用驱虫剂。

    NEVER use insect repellents on wounds orirritated skin .

  13. 这里不需要从老师那里拿到通行证才能离开教室,不过带上驱虫剂倒是个好主意。

    Hall passes aren 't required , but bug repellent is a good idea .

  14. 用驱虫剂以防被可咬。

    Use insect repellent to avoid getting bitten .

  15. 压泵式包装使顾客更加方便使用诸如芥末和驱虫剂之类的产品。

    Pump dispenser can facilitate the use of products ranging from mustard to insect repellent .

  16. 带防晒露和驱虫剂了吗?

    You have sunscreen and insect repellant ?

  17. 也是天然的驱虫剂。

    It is also a natural insect-repellent .

  18. 这就是如何使用柠檬草精油来自己制作驱虫剂。

    And that 's how you use Lemongrass essential oil as a homemade insect repellent ..

  19. 柠檬香草非常提神,可以用作天然的驱虫剂。

    Lemongrass is really refreshing , and can be used as a natural insect repellent .

  20. 户外蚂蚁或飞虫驱虫剂

    An outdoor ant and flying insect repellant

  21. 携带足够的驱虫剂。

    Take along plenty of insect repellant .

  22. 驱虫剂指的是任何能赶走蚊子,或是防止它们停在您身上的东西。

    This refers to anything that keeps mosquitoes away or prevents them from landing on you .

  23. 因此,驱虫剂的起源悠久实不令人意外。

    Therefore , it is not surprising that the origins of mosquito repellant are from long ago .

  24. 驱虫剂安全吗?

    Are insect repellents safe ?

  25. 6.携带驱虫剂

    Step 6 Take insect repellant

  26. 很快,那些小虫子就会找其它地方撒野去了,可能是那些没有洋葱驱虫剂的地方。

    Pretty soon , those insects will find other venues to terrorize , probably those without onion-based repellents .

  27. 绿色晶体,用作染料、着色剂、杀菌剂、杀真菌剂、驱虫剂或用于烧伤处理。

    A green crystal used as a dye or stain or bactericide or fungicide or anthelmintic or burn treatment .

  28. 让你的防晒系数达到30或是更高,买些驱虫剂足够让你拜托这些麻烦。

    Simply applying spf30 or higher sunscreen and bug repellent will be sufficient to rid yourself of these pests .

  29. 但我确实也有不好过的时候,就是保护自己免受有时人类喷洒在植物上的驱虫剂的侵害。

    But I do have a hard time protecting myself from insect repellents that humans sometimes spray on plants .

  30. 使用驱虫剂,即使你回家了还要连续使用数周。

    Use insect repellant - and keep using it for a few weeks , even after you come home .