
  • 网络butterfly;NABI
  1. 如今,彩蝶地板已在中国主要省市建立了完善的销售和售后服务网络。

    Now GOLDEN BUTTERFLY flooring has set up a complete selling and service net in most provinces in China .

  2. 站岗:一名以色列士兵,看到后面空催泪瓦斯手榴弹,在对以色列在彩蝶萨利赫,西岸,星期五隔离墙示范巡逻。

    STANDING GUARD : An Israeli soldier , seen behind empty tear-gas grenades , patrolled during a demonstration against Israel 's separation barrier in Nabi Saleh , West Bank , Friday .

  3. 飘飘的彩蝶飞过多少花。

    The number of flowers fluttering butterflies fly .

  4. 蝴蝶兰花形如彩蝶飞舞,色彩艳丽,是国际流行的名贵花卉,具有很高的观赏价值和经济价值。

    The Butterfly orchid , whose flower is like colorful , flying butterfly , is international and expensive popular flowers with high ornamental and economic value .

  5. 生活犹如一条蜿蜒曲折的小径,周围鲜花绽放,彩蝶飞舞,美果压枝。但是,我们有很多人却不惜花费许多时间舍近求远去寻找幸福。

    Life is like a winding path surrounded by flowers , butterflies , and delicious fruits , but many of us spend much time looking for happiness around the next corner .

  6. 邢导说,开幕式分为五个环节,除了序幕与尾声,中间穿插的三个篇章:“西湖之雨、彩蝶之梦、生命之光”就是展现杭州元素的重点。

    Xing said three of the five parts of the ceremony except prologue and epilogue : Drizzle of West Lake , Dream of Colorful Butterflies , Light of Life , are the keys to show Hangzhou elements .