
qū xié
  • Exorcism;get rid of evils;drive out evil spirits
驱邪 [qū xié]
  • [get rid of evils] [用符咒等]驱逐所谓邪恶作祟的东西,是一种迷信行为

驱邪[qū xié]
  1. 他们戴着护身符以驱邪。

    They wore the charm as a protection against evil spirits .

  2. 牧师在大弥撒上布道驱邪。

    At High Mass the priest preached a sermon on the devil

  3. 他们来到我们家为我驱邪。

    They came to our house and exorcised me

  4. 电视上播放了驱邪仪式。

    The exorcism was broadcast on television .

  5. 去年,一名据称被鬼上身的15岁女孩的驱邪过程在电视上直播。

    Last year , a 15-year-old girl , alleged to be possessed by the devil , was exorcised live on TV .

  6. 《魔鬼营:一个士兵的驱邪》(DemonCamp:ASoldier’sExorcism)。

    DEMON CAMP : A Soldier 's Exorcism .

  7. 如果他们想帮你驱邪,什么时候结束呢?

    If they wanna exorcise for you when will it finish ?

  8. 战斗的圣洁现在不再减少驱邪术的冷却时间。

    Sanctity of Battle no longer reduces the cooldown of Exorcism .

  9. 他们请来一位祭司来驱邪。

    They called in a priest to perform the exorcism .

  10. 驱邪术雕文-你的驱邪术同时可以打断目标施法。

    Glyph of Exorcism-Your Exorcism also interrupts spellcasting for0 sec .

  11. 这什么意思-这可以驱邪

    What was that ? - Keeps evil spirits away .

  12. 我们比医学之神还厉害,更会治人驱邪。

    We 're better than Asclepius at healing people and exorcising demons .

  13. 桃还有驱邪避鬼,护佑生命的特质。

    The peach have the traits of expelling evil spirits and safeguarding life .

  14. 我们能以鞭炮驱邪,你相信吗?

    Do you believe that we can use crackers to frighten away evil spirits ?

  15. 她真的想给你驱邪?

    She actually tried to exorcise you ?

  16. 抚育之余,更传之驱邪杀鬼之术。

    He then becomes his assistant in exorcising ghosts and demons when he grows up .

  17. 我们有没有试着给那人驱邪?

    Did we try to exorcise him ?

  18. 它承担起了一种新的职责:扮演一个巫师的角色为农村“驱邪”。

    It undertakes a new responsibility : Playing as a sorcerer to exorcize from the countryside .

  19. 通常驱邪与涤罪仪式都伴有响闹声,用以吓跑亡灵。

    Often exorcisms and purgations were performed with much noise as if to scare away the evil spirits .

  20. 铜镜驱邪观念的基本结构主要包括铜镜能使鬼魅现形和鬼魅害怕现形两个环节。

    The elementary structure of the idea that a bronze mirror can cast out devils consists of two aspects .

  21. 因此,驱邪和扶正一样是临床上重要的原则之一。

    Therefore , eliminating pathogens , like strengthening vital qi , is also one of the important principles clinically .

  22. 宝座左右两侧的镜子映射着墙壁,用来驱邪。

    The two big mirrors on the left and right of the throne against the wall was for warding .

  23. 中国传统认为烟花爆竹能避灾驱邪、招财进宝。

    Chinese tradition says fireworks frighten evil spirits , drive away bad luck and attract the God of wealth .

  24. 许多信魔法的人带护身符,以驱邪避灾。

    Many people who believe in magic may carry magic objects called amulets or charms to protect themselves from harm .

  25. 在佛家看来,它更有驱邪避祟的功能。他的样子鬼鬼祟祟。

    According to Buddhism , sachets have the functions of exorcising evil spirits . He is furtive in his manner .

  26. 这些牧师要让父母们相信他们的孩子现在被恶魔所控制,而这必须要通过隔离、禁食、毒打才能驱邪。

    They convince parents that their children are possessed by demons which must be exorcised through isolation , fasting and beatings .

  27. 扶正固肾驱邪合剂对小鼠免疫学影响的实验观察

    The experimental observation of strengthening the body resistance reinforce the kidney eliminating the pathogenic factor mixture to the mouse immunology influence

  28. 纵观萨满教文化的全部内容,萨满驱邪治病是其中引人注目的特征。

    Viewing the content of Shaman culture , it is found that its noticeable feature is the Shaman treatment and the lustrum .

  29. 例如,日本人喜欢把稻草绳挂在房子前面,据说可以驱邪避鬼,带来好运。

    The Japanese hang straw rope across the front of their houses to keep out evil spirits and bring happiness and good luck .

  30. 这个宗教和神秘仪式驱邪疾病卫生结实,是一个必须让人相信。

    This religious and mystical ritual for expelling illness , for health and fruitfulness is one that must be seen to be believed .