
měi shù jiè
  • art circles
  1. 靳尚谊先生是我国当代著名艺术家、美术教育家,也是中国美术界为中国艺术与文化的时代发展做出突出贡献的代表人物。

    Mr. Jin Shangyi , a distinguished contemporary artist , art educator , is a representative of Chinese art circles , who has made outstanding contributions to the development of Chinese art and culture .

  2. 《美术》杂志凭借专业的技法展示、评论和及时有效地传播美术界信息,展示了它作为专业化期刊的特色。

    Art magazine with professional skill development show , comments and timely and effective dissemination of information Art Circles , show it as a professional journal features .

  3. 于此同时,在美术界日本也酝酿着翻天覆地的变革。

    At the same time , in the arts of Japanese brewing turn the world upside down change .

  4. 俞重敏是最近韩国美术界复兴潮流的核心艺术家之一。

    Yoo JungMin is one of the central artists of the recent revival trend in Korea art world .

  5. 然而,他意欲紧跟中国美术界发展的愿望也让他付出了代价。

    Yet his desire to keep breakneck pace with China 's developing art scene has taken a toll .

  6. 考察团的特殊行动、历史意义和学术成果,值得中国考古界、美术界和教育界永远铭记。

    Chinese archaeology , fine art and education communities shall all remember the special significance and academic achievements of this project .

  7. 艺术与国运:抗战时期桂林美术界的文化救亡行动诗意的救渡&对技术与艺术的一些思考

    Arts and Prosperity : Cultural and Artistic Actions to Save the Nation from Extinction by Guilin Artistic Circles during the Anti-Japanese War

  8. 我国舞台美术界虽然也了解这种布光方法,但在真正的舞台实践中对此的应用并不广泛。

    The Chinese stage design group also be familiar with this method , but we do not use this lighting method widely .

  9. 美术界要求改革中国画的声浪也极其强烈,都激励着徐悲鸿对美术变革的诉求。

    Calls for reform of Chinese painting art criticism is extremely strong , inspired Xu Beihong to appeal to the reform of art .

  10. 他的艺术创作得到了美术界的广泛关注和深入研究,但他的美术教育理论并没有得到全面的研究和系统的整理。

    His art is art world wide attention and thorough research , but his art education theory has not been comprehensively studied and finishing system .

  11. 在中国美术界,每当人们谈及著名画家刘懋善先生的名字,立刻就会想到他那迷人的江南水乡作品。

    In the Chinese art circle , whenever people mention the name of the artist , Liu Maoshan , the images of Jiangnan , as depicted by Mr.

  12. 中国当代美术界并没有真正出现以主义为特征的女性艺术,但却有着一群才华横溢的女性艺术家。

    Chinese contemporary art world has not really occurred to the " doctrine " for the characteristics of female art , but with a group of talented female artists .

  13. 《曾景祥花鸟画集》的出版是我省乃至我国美术界花鸟画创作成果的又一个丰硕展示。

    The publication of Zeng Jingxiang 's Flower and Bird Painting Album is another great show of fine arts creations in Hunan province and the whole country at large .

  14. 在这里感受两国人民两国艺术家的艺术珍品,感受不同地域,不同文化背景下带来的不同艺术风貌,这是漳州美术界引以为荣的盛事。

    It is a great honor for Zhangzhou artistic circle to appreciate the art treasures form China and Denmark , to experience different artistic features from different regions and cultural backgrounds .

  15. 三位女画家是当代画坛中的夏俊娜、闫平和巴荒,她们都从事油画创作,在中国美术界都享有盛名。

    The three female artists are Xia Jun-Na , Yan Pin and Ba Huang in the contemporary art world , who are all engaged in oil painting in China art field .

  16. 他呼吁英国美术界向海外推广劳里的画作,但是在安德拉斯或是劳里的有生之年,劳里的个人画作始终未在英国以外的地方展出。

    He agitated for British art institutions to promote Lowry 's work overseas , but no solo exhibition was ever held outside the UK in either his or the painter 's lifetime .

  17. 是对80年代中后期中国美术界的特殊现象的分析与研究,属文化艺术学领域。

    This study of this paper focuses on the analysis and research of the special phenomenon in Art Circle in the late 1980s , so it belongs to the realm of Culture and Art study .

  18. 迄今为止,笔者在公开出版物中还没有发现美术界专门论述非异性恋美术家作品中自我表现的相关著作及论文,这方面的研究在国内美术界仍是个空白。

    So far , I did not find in publications fine arts devoted to " non-heterosexual artists works self-expression " books and papers , research in this area in the domestic art world is still blank .

  19. 方济众作为二十世纪响誉中国美术界著名的长安画派主要画家之一,他的绘画艺术一直为后来的艺术后学们所敬仰。

    Fang Jizhong loud as one of the twentieth century , the Chinese art world famous " Chang ' an Hua Pai " is mainly a painter , his painting has been Later arts school who admired .

  20. 民国第一次美展前后共向社会开放一个月,引起了美术界的广泛关注,也引起了社会大众对美术的关注。

    Before and after the Republic of China first exhibition is open to the public for a month , caused widespread concern in the circle of fine arts , also aroused the public attention to the fine arts .

  21. 20世纪山水画随着西方写实观念与对景写生观念的影响受到当时美术界的重视,外师造化观在20世纪得到进一步发展。

    20th century Western landscape painting as " realistic " concept of painting with the King by the time the impact of the concept of the importance attached to art , " To the study of nature " concept in the 20th century , be further developed .

  22. 与传统工笔重彩画有很大的差别,岩彩画既是一个新生物,又是传统文化的继承和发扬,它将成为美术界关注的焦点,是中国美术发展到新的历史阶段观念更新的必然。

    Rock painting is not only a piece of newly-born art but also carrying forward traditional culture . It will be the focus in the field of painting and will be inevitable for changing ideas at the new historic stage of the development for the painting in China .

  23. 目前中国美术理论界在繁华中存在着严重的理论危机。

    At present , there are serious theoretic crises in China 's realm of the theory of fine arts .

  24. 所有这些问题都是中国美术史学界长期忽视或根本未予以研究的。

    All these problems are ignored in the circle of fine arts history in China for a long time .

  25. 近年来,古代墓葬装饰研究逐渐得到考古学及美术史界的重视,继汉、唐之后,宋代是墓葬装饰发展的又一个高峰,但是面对丰富的考古资料,研究工作则相对滞后和薄弱。

    Recent years have seen an increasing interest in the decoration of ancient Chinese tombs among the archaeologists and art historians .

  26. 中国水墨画在当代的发展一直是多元的、散乱的,也是美术理论界争论的焦点之一。

    The development of contemporary Chinese ink and wash painting is diversified and irregular . It is also one of the focuses that discussing in the art academy .

  27. 瞿昙寺回廊佛传壁画是明清之际壁画艺术的重要遗存,正在引起美术史界的高度关注。

    The Jataka murals in the ambulatory of Qutan Temple are important examples of extant Ming-Qing mural art , and they have attracted a great deal of interest among art historians .

  28. 1914年诞生于浙江第一师范学校的“乐石社”,是我国第一个在校师生组成的印学社团,曾聚集过许多美术教育界的精英。

    Founded in Zhejiang No.1 Normal School in1914 , Seal Lovers Society is the first society for seal study consisting of teachers and students , among whom were elite of fine arts education circles .

  29. 在法国东部城市梅斯亮相的新的蓬皮杜中心美术馆在建筑界引起了极大的轰动,主要是它复杂的自由落体一样的屋顶,本周将对公众开放。

    The new Pompidou Center art museum in the eastern French city of Metz has generated a big buzz in the architecture world , largely for its complex free-form roof .

  30. 随着作品《晴竹》入选1924年的朝鲜美术展参展,在美术界斩露了头角。

    He entered the art society with his painting " Blue Bamboo " showed in the Korean Art Exhibition .