
  • 网络US Cabinet;United States Cabinet
  1. 只有总统才能有权任命美国内阁成员。

    The President alone has the power to appoint a member of the US cabinet .

  2. 这是有史以来美国内阁官员前往中国出席的、规模最大的会议之一。

    It was one of the biggest-ever gatherings of cabinet-level American officials in China .

  3. 这是保尔森第四次率美国内阁代表团参加中美对话。

    This is the fourth time Paulson is heading a delegation of US cabinet officials at such a conference .

  4. 拜登表示,此行有众多美国内阁成员陪同,他们会为首轮年度会议增加力量。

    Biden says he brought as many US cabinet members as he could fit their force to for the first annual meetings .

  5. 据了解相关外交活动的人士透露,四名美国内阁部长已就这一问题致函中国相应官员。

    Four US cabinet secretaries have written a letter to their Chinese counterparts about the issue , according to people familiar with the diplomatic exchange .

  6. 劳工部长赵小兰将在下周与布什的行政部门一起卸任-但很可能在美国内阁里会有另外一位华裔美国人。

    Secretary of Labor Elaine Lan Chao will go out with the Bush administration next month-but there is likely to be another ethnic Chinese in the US Cabinet .

  7. 星期三,奥巴马夫妇和卡尔德龙夫妇互相问候,美国政府内阁成员和其他政要在白宫玫瑰园的东草坪上旁观。

    The two couples greeted each other Wednesday as cabinet members and other dignitaries watched on on the east lawn of the White House .

  8. 在尤利西斯格兰特总统(ulyssesgrant,1869-76年)当政时期,美国几位内阁成员被控存在金融违规行为。

    During the administration of President Ulysses Grant ( 1869-76 ) , several cabinet members were indicted for financial wrongdoing .

  9. 这次演习总共有13个国家参与,涉及了美国6个内阁部门,以及60家公司。

    In total , the exercise involved 13 countries , six US cabinet-level departments and 60 companies .

  10. 作为美国首位女性内阁部长,帕金斯组织开创了失业保险和社会保险(公共养老金)制度,堪为后世垂范。

    As America 's first female cabinet secretary , Perkins masterminded the introduction of unemployment insurance and Social Security ( public pensions ), with crucial ramifications .

  11. 各位美国同事、内阁成员们以及我国政府的其他领导人,谢谢你们为这一对话所做的工作。

    So to all of my American colleagues , members of the Cabinet , and other leaders of our government , thank you for your work on behalf of this dialogue .

  12. 为应对批评,奥巴马在周三取消了前往新泽西和康涅狄格州参加筹款活动的总统行程,以主持召开一场会议,与会者为负责应对埃博拉在美国威胁的内阁高级成员。

    In response to criticism , Mr Obama on Wednesday cancelled a presidential trip to fundraising events in New Jersey and Connecticut to chair a meeting of senior cabinet members responsible for confronting the threat of Ebola in the US .

  13. 忠告总统的部门;成员是行政部门的部长;美国宪法不供养内阁。

    A board to advise the President ; members are the secretaries of executive departments ; the US constitution does not provide for the Cabinet .

  14. 美国商务部长普利茨克(PennyPritzker)在接受采访时称,对美国内阁官员来说,本次美中商贸联委会会议最重要的问题之一就是更好地了解中方会谈代表、国务院副总理汪洋,这样在出现贸易和投资问题时双方可以及时化解。

    U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker said in an interview that one of the most important aspects of the session was for U.S. cabinet officials to get to better know Vice Premier Wang Yang , who headed the talks for the Chinese , so they can defuse trade and investment problems when they arise .