
As chairman and CEO of IBM ( IBM ) , rometty has seen the danger firsthand .
IBM ( IBM ) chief executive Virginia " Ginni " rometty is passing up her annual bonus .
Rometty : two years ago , IBM had its 100th anniversary , which is when people asked that question the most .
( Ginni rometti of IBM and Indra Nooyi of PepsiCo have both received kudos from me in the past )
Ginni Rometty , the chief executive of IBM , had previously joined the forum .
Speaking October 16 at the fortune most powerful women summit in Washington , D.C. , rometty outlined five areas on which she depends to help her prepare IBM for future markets .
With the world changing so quickly , companies have to focus on " strategic beliefs " and align everyone toward those beliefs , rather than be too prescriptive , said Ginni rometty , chairman and CEO of IBM ( IBM ) .
IBM has suffered from falling revenues over the past four years as its core computer business declines , and Ginni Rometty , its chief executive , has tried to counteract this by focusing on new business areas such as analytics and cloud services .
Now , says rometty , " Watson is off to medical school . "
Rometty depends on it to inform strategy , and each year grades past GTOs for their success in predicting trends .
That could make her the embodiment of the modern career woman and a role model for millions more ambitious female executives .
Despite a scattering of high-profile female tech executives like Sheryl Sandberg and Ginni rometty , women still hold only about 20 % of all computer science jobs .
Her parents divorced when she was young and she was brought up by her mother , a strong woman who expected big things of her children , according to one person .