
  • 网络Rhodes scholarship;Rhodes Scholar
  1. 有卡拉·格拉文你领有罗德奖学金

    And Calla Glavin , you have a Rhodes Scholar

  2. 苏世民说,面试在日期安排上会避免与罗德奖学金的遴选面试日期相冲突。

    Mr. Schwarzman said that the finalist interviews would be scheduled so as not to coincide with the Rhodes Scholar selection interviews .

  3. 苏世民学者硕士学位项目为期一年,其遴选过程部分参照了牛津大学的罗德奖学金(Rhodesscholarships)项目。

    The yearlong Schwarzman Scholars master 's degree program has a selection process modeled partly on the Rhodes scholarships at Oxford University .

  4. 罗德奖学金和苏世民奖学金项目有类似的捐赠基金和筹款目标。

    The Rhodes scholarships and Schwarzman Scholars programs have similar endowments and fund-raising goals .

  5. 罗德奖学金项目上个月宣布,它将接收更多来自中国的学生。

    The Rhodes program announced last month that it was expanding to accept scholars from China .

  6. 舒马克是一名经济学家,出生于德国,曾是20世纪30年代牛津大学的罗德奖学金研究生。

    Schumacher was an economist who was born in Germany and studied at Oxford University as a Rhodes scholar in the 1930s .