
  • 【人名】Rosen
  1. 伯杰,罗森和德尔(2001)研讨了向中小型企业之间的假贷和银行贷款的本地市场份额的关系。

    Berger , rosen , and udell ( 2001 ) studied the relationship between lending to SMEs and banks'share of the local loan market .

  2. 亲爱的罗森女士,谢谢您告诉我们您订单的问题。

    Dear Ms. Rosen , Thank you for telling us the problems with your order .

  3. 身为一名分析师,本罗森撰写的通讯报道对科技界产生了深远的影响,他也成为了AppleII的热情歌颂者。

    Ben Rosen , the analyst whose newsletters shaped the opinions of the tech world , became an enthusiastic proselytizer for the Apple II .

  4. 乔纳森o罗森伯格曾经与谷歌董事长埃里克o施密特合作撰写了畅销书《谷歌如何运作》(HowGoogleWorks)。他表示:你首先要寻找的就是激情。

    The No. 1 thing that you look for is passion , says Jonathan Rosenberg , who wrote the best-selling How Google Works with Google chairman Eric Schmidt .

  5. “这仅仅是开始。”RhodiumGroup的负责人丹尼尔•罗森表示。

    " This is just the beginning ," says Daniel Rosen , a principal of the New York City-based consultancy specialized in China 's economy .

  6. 展览营销的4P组合和三维展示策略&以2004年罗森照明展览营销为例

    4P Combination In Exhibition Marketing Strategy of 3D Demonstration Analysis of 2004 Rosen Lighting Exhibition Marketing

  7. 为提高功率及转换效率,日本NEC公司推出多层三次罗森型压电变压器。

    In Japan put out multi-layer three-point Rose-type transformer in order to raise power and energy converting efficiency .

  8. Net-a-Porter全球采购部副总裁莎拉•罗森(SarahRutson)说,衬衣的“东山再起”完全在预料之中。

    For Sarah Rutson , vice-president for global buying at Net-a-Porter , shirting 's renaissance is no surprise .

  9. 加扎利教授和加州州立大学多明戈斯山分校(CaliforniaStateUniversity,DominguezHills)心理学名誉教授拉里•罗森(LarryRosen)著有《分心的头脑:高科技世界中的古代头脑》(TheDistractedMind:AncientBrainsinaHigh-TechWorld)一书。

    Prof Gazzaley and Larry Rosen , professor emeritus of psychology at California State University , Dominguez Hills , have a book coming out called The Distracted Mind : Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World .

  10. 4.exponentiallyadv.以指数方式罗森医生说:“新的治疗武器正在成倍地增加。”

    Says Dr. Rosen : " The number of new weapons is exponentially increasing .

  11. 2010年,罗森曾在《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)上发表过一篇同名文章,希望回答她自己提出的一个问题:如果后工业时期的现代社会更适合女性,世界将会怎样?

    In 2010 , rosin published an essay of the same name in the Atlantic , hoping to answer her own question : what if modern , postindustrial society is simply better suited to women ?

  12. 波士顿联邦储备银行(FederalReserveBankofBoston)行长埃里克·S·罗森格伦(EricS.Rosengren)周二在纽约讲话时强调,通胀数据远低于美联储2%的目标。

    In a speech in New York on Tuesday , Eric S. Rosengren , the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston , highlighted that inflation numbers were well below the Fed 's target of 2 percent .

  13. 日本最大的便利店运营商7-11(Seven-Eleven)在日本拥有1.2万家分店,而罗森则拥有9700家。

    Seven-Eleven , the largest operator , has 12,000 stores in Japan , while Lawson has 9,700 .

  14. 得益于此,在东京股票价格指数(topix)迟滞不前之际,连锁便利店罗森(lawson)的股价今年却累计攀升四分之一。

    That has helped shares in convenience store chain Lawson rise by a quarter this year , while the Topix has gone almost nowhere .

  15. 庆幸的是,当她们(和我)不再纠结于食物焦虑时,这些烹饪书——尤其是罗森施特拉赫的书以及珍妮·卡伦科(JennyCarenco)的《贝贝美食家》(BébéGourmet)——还是提供了几十个听起来很棒的菜谱。

    The silver lining is that when they ( and I ) stop perseverating on food anxiety , the cookbooks - especially the ones by Rosenstrach , and also " B é b é Gourmet , " by Jenny Carenco - feature dozens of extraordinary-sounding recipes .

  16. 从卡米尔•帕格里亚(CamillePaglia)到乔迪•罗森(JodyRosen)等一干文化评论家开始撰文进行全面讨论,该表演对于塞勒斯草率地运用非裔美国人元素来说会起到抑制作用还是鼓励作用。

    Cultural critics from Camille Paglia to Jody Rosen opened up their laptops , debating everything from whether the performance was degrading or empowering to Cyrus ' sloppy use of African-American symbols .

  17. 纽约荣鼎咨询(RhodiumGroup)创始合伙人丹?罗森(DanRosen)指出,过去5年,中国在美国生物技术和制药领域投资逾32亿美元,随之而来的往往是优秀的中国科学家。

    Dan Rosen , founding partner at the Rhodium Group in New York , points out that China has invested more than $ 3.2bn in the US biotech and pharmaceuticals sector over the past five years - cash that often brings with it talented Chinese scientists .

  18. 格雷西?罗森伯格(GracieRosenberger)是该慈善机构的联合创始人,她17岁时在一次交通事故中严重受伤,并失去了双腿。

    The charity 's co-founder , Gracie Rosenberger , was badly injured in a traffic accident at 17 , an incident which cost her both legs .

  19. 罗森投资公司(SevinRosen)在上世纪九十年代以个人电脑和电信硬件投资著称,但它在2006年放弃了一只新基金,退还投资,标志着这一死亡倒计时的开始。

    Sevin Rosen , a firm known for PC and telecom hardware investments in the 1990s , started this death watch in 2006 , when it aborted closing a new fund .

  20. 艺电负责大学关系的杰西卡•罗森(JessicaRawson)表示,对于该公司而言,对优秀MBA毕业生的需求,源自于该公司正从一家将产品包装销售的公司转型为数字公司。

    For EA , the need for top MBA graduates is fuelled by the company 's changing role from a packaged goods company to a digital company , says Jessica Rawson , who is in charge of university relations .

  21. 加州理工学院院长托马斯.罗森鲍姆(ThomasRosenbaum)表示,该校和这对夫妇共享一个愿景,那就是把对大脑的科学洞察转化为“对于人类如何感知世界、如何与世界互动的更深入理解”。

    Thomas Rosenbaum , Caltech president , said the university and the couple shared a vision of translating scientific insights into the brain into a " deeper understanding of how human beings perceive and interact with the world . "

  22. UptownFunk出自美国创作型流行歌手“火星哥”布鲁诺•马尔斯与英国制作人马克•罗森之手。这首歌已经连续14周蝉联美国公告牌百强单曲榜冠军,蝉联时间有望跻身历史第二。

    Uptown Funk , recorded by American pop singer-songwriter Bruno Mars and English producer Mark Ronson , has ruled the US Billboard Hot 100 Chart for 14 consecutive weeks , tying it for the second-longest run on the chart in history .

  23. 罗森表示,该公司拥有一种明显的吸引力。

    The company has one obvious attraction , says Ms Rawson .

  24. 三分之一的农村黑人儿童就读于罗森华德捐建的学校。

    One-third of rural black children were attending a Rosenwald school .

  25. 不过,罗森夫妇不知为什么似乎很喜欢他。

    But for some reason the Rosens seem to like him .

  26. 服务性企业怎样进入?&罗森布鲁斯国际旅行社的经验

    How Does Service Enterprise Employ Personnel ? Experience of Rosenbluth International

  27. 我找罗森医生他在吗?

    Hi , I need Dr. Rosen . Is he in ?

  28. 美国各地的工业城镇都在经历类似的创伤,罗森写道。

    Industrial towns across America are experiencing similar trauma , rosin writes .

  29. 可以通过罗森便利店预购指定日期的入场交换券。

    By Lawson futures exchange specified date of admission tickets .

  30. 特别奖霍华德。格林哈罗德。罗森《时代进行曲》。

    W.Howard Greene and Harold Rosson , March of Time .