
  • 网络Tadao Ando
  1. 1995年普利策奖获得者安藤忠雄说,通过这样的平衡,他创造了一种新型的中国风建筑。

    Through such a balance , he had created a new type of Chinese architecture , said Tadao Ando , the winner of the 1995 Pritzker Prize .

  2. 光编织的空间&保罗·安德鲁与安藤忠雄的对话

    Space Woven of Light & Paul Andreu + Tadao Ando

  3. 在结束旅行的时候,安藤忠雄似乎很高兴。

    As he wrapped up his visit , Mr. Ando seemed pleased .

  4. 安藤忠雄对混凝土的钟爱是他的建筑标志之一。

    Mr. Ando 's devotion to concrete is part of his architectural signature .

  5. 空间设计中的诗意&安藤忠雄与宫崎骏

    Poetic Flavor of Space Design Tadao Ando Hayao Miyazaki

  6. 浅析日本传统文化对安藤忠雄建筑创作的影响

    Analysis on the impact of Japanese culture on architectural works of Tadao Ando

  7. 安藤忠雄在设计这座海事博物馆时考虑最多的两个因素就是简洁和优雅。

    Tadao Ando envisions the Maritime Museum as a building both elegant and simple .

  8. 概念设计与个性表达&安藤忠雄的建筑设计初探

    Conceptual Design and Individuality Expression & Preliminary Research on Architecture Design of Tadao Ando

  9. 第一个是孔福尔蒂的主意,第二个是安藤忠雄的想法。

    The first was Mr. Conforti 's idea and the second , Mr. Ando 's.

  10. 日本著名建筑大师安藤忠雄在上海的演讲,引起了新一轮安藤热。

    Ando 's recent lecture in shanghai leaded to another white heat of Ando fan .

  11. 安藤忠雄已经表现出用令人意外的方式让房间充满阳光的能力。

    Mr. Ando has shown an ability to suffuse rooms with light in surprising ways .

  12. 72岁的安藤忠雄给大多数见过他的人留下的印象都不是矫揉造作。

    Mr. Ando , 72 , does not strike most who meet him as affected .

  13. 从一开始,安藤忠雄就强烈感觉一个水景将把这个庭院统一起来。

    From the beginning , Mr. Ando felt strongly that a water feature would unify the campus .

  14. 他回忆说这位建筑师抵制了一段时间(不过安藤忠雄的回忆不是这样的)。

    He recalls the architect resisting for a time ( though Mr. Ando now remembers otherwise ) .

  15. 安藤忠雄的方盒子

    Square box of Tadao Ando

  16. 在这篇文章中,针对安藤忠雄建筑设计作品中禅的精神来进行剖析。

    In the whole article , it analysis the spirit of Zen in Tadao Ando architectural design works .

  17. 安藤忠雄不喜欢离开日本太久,起初他并不知道威廉斯敦在哪里。

    Mr. Ando does not like to leave Japan for very long , and , initially , he didn 't know where Williamstown was .

  18. 地域主义和现代主义融合摘要:安藤忠雄在现代建筑中引入地方传统建筑特色及传统美学,在异常现代感中体现出浓郁的地域特色。

    Tadao Ando introduces the characteristic of the traditional architecture and the traditional esthetics into modern architectures , embodying rich regional characteristic in modernism .

  19. 安藤忠雄日本对美的诠释不是静态的,而是认为可以在不断变换的过程中寻找到美。

    Japan 's interpretation of beauty is less static and it can be found in constant changes-in the coming and going of seasons for instance ;

  20. 清寂的禅之情愫是安藤忠雄建筑东方文化意蕴表达的基础和核心,这种情愫贯穿于其整个建筑创作过程中。

    Zen is the foundation and core of the Meaning of Oriental culture , this idea impenetrate in its construction of the entire creation process .

  21. 安藤忠雄的作品极富文化内涵,每一件作品都能给人留下无限想象和回味的余地。

    Tadao Ando ' designs imply cultural meanings , and every work he designed can give us the impression that unlimited room for imagination and unforgettable .

  22. 本文此观点例举安藤忠雄的理论与作品,它们正是这种通过突显建筑环境本质来实现场所精神的代表。

    This paper make theory and works of Tadao Ando as examples to this point , Ando and his works is the representative of this point .

  23. 他能判断客户的好坏,安藤忠雄说,他要是看到迈克尔,一定很警惕。

    He could tell the good clients from the bad clients , Mr. Ando said . He would have been quite alerted when he saw Michael .

  24. 试图从精神分析和宗教心理的角度,对安藤忠雄所作光的教堂所体现出的精神关照进行重新解读,并着重分析光的教堂室内环境构成要素和人的心理感受之间的关联。

    This article tries to reread the spiritual consideration presented in Tadao Ando 's " the Church of Light ", in perspective of psychoanalysis and religious psychology .

  25. 用随处可见的材料创造出别人创造不出来的东西&这是我的座右铭,安藤忠雄说。

    Using a material that is ubiquitous , that is everywhere , but still creating something that nobody else can & that 's my motto , Mr. Ando said .

  26. 另外,安藤忠雄继承了东方文化中尊重自然、与自然融为一体的自然观,但又不拘泥于其中。安藤对自然又有自己独特的见解和表现方式。

    Also , Tadao Ando respect for the nature , but not rigidly adheres to the traditional view of nature , he has his own unique opinion and expression .

  27. 作者通过剖析安藤忠雄等建筑大师的设计思想来探讨未来建筑师的培养模式。

    Based on the analysis the design ideas of many famous architect such as Tadao Ando , this paper inquire into the educational model of architect in the future .

  28. 纽约艺术商吉井和弘是安藤忠雄的密友。在他最近访问克拉克博物馆期间,吉井一直陪着他。吉井多次见证了他们的互动。

    Mr. Ando 's close friend Kazuhito Yoshii , a New York art dealer , was trailing along during Mr. Ando 's recent Clark visit and has witnessed the interplay many times .

  29. 不管怎样,安藤忠雄在事业中首次同意使用花岗岩,用在两堵红墙上,作为入口的焦点。

    In any case , Mr. Ando agreed to use the granite for the first time in his career , for two red walls that serve as the focal point of the entrance .

  30. 他是个有预见力的人,孔福尔蒂这样评价安藤忠雄,我们需要一个能把这个庭院统一起来的建筑词汇,而不只是模仿两个已有建筑的风格。

    He 's a visionary , Mr. Conforti said of Mr. Ando . We needed an architectural vocabulary that could unify the campus without copying the two styles of building we already have .