
luó mǎ shù zì
  • Roman numeral
  1. 所以如果你你把罗马数字列为你的介绍然后再用abc当作你的次级观点,通过这些数字你会发现你能用罗马数字来组织你的段落。

    So if you put Roman numeral one , for your introduction and then you put your little abc 's , as secondary points , under those numbers you are going to find that you are actually be able to organize your paragraphs by Roman numerals .

  2. 为什么他们在日期前放罗马数字?

    Why do they put that Roman numeral in the date ?

  3. 这款钟有带罗马数字的,也有带阿拉伯数字的。

    The clock is available with either Roman or Arabic numerals .

  4. 如果元素有type属性,则用这个值来决定应该如何格式化每个列表项的数字(罗马数字、阿拉伯数字或按字母次序的字符)。

    If the element has a type attribute , use its value to figure out how the number of each list item should be formatted ( Roman numerals , Arabic numerals , or alphabetic characters ) .

  5. 这之所以是毫无疑问的,是因为从阿拉伯数字映射到罗马数字,然后再映射回来,这在数学上称为是一对一的(one-to-one)和映成的(onto)关系。

    It is no surprise because the mapping from Arabic to Roman numerals , and back again , is what is mathematically known as one-to-one and onto .

  6. 18K黄金石英机芯女表是一种精美款型,有银色粒面表盘和罗马数字(8825英镑)。

    The 18-carat yellow gold quartz version for ladies is a delicious piece , with its silver-grained dial and roman numerals ( 8,825 ) .

  7. 阿拉伯数字0不能映射到罗马数字系统。

    The Arabic numeral zero cannot map to the Roman numeral system .

  8. 我爸爸手表上的数字是罗马数字,而不是阿拉伯数字。

    My dad 's watch has Roman numerals instead of real numbers .

  9. 好的,来看一下今天的“罗马数字”。

    Yes . All right , give us the Romans numeral today .

  10. 八十道入口的拱门以罗马数字标出。

    The eighty arcades of the entrance are numbered with Roman numerals .

  11. 艾什沃斯看见了这串罗马数字,想让它们翻译成现代数字。

    Ashworth had seen them and wanted a translation into modern-day numerals .

  12. 当时老奶奶正在搜索罗马数字MCMXCVIII的译文。

    She was asking for a translation of the Roman numerals MCMXCVIII .

  13. 将阿拉伯数字转换成文本式罗马数字

    Converts an arabic numeral to roman , as text

  14. 将这个数字映射到罗马数字系统。

    Map this number to the Roman numeral system .

  15. 黄金和白脸黑色阿拉伯语或罗马数字。

    Gold and white face has black Arabic numerals .

  16. 你也许会注意到奥林匹克运动会正式使用的数字都是罗马数字。

    Youll notice that the Olympic Games are formally numbered using Roman Numerals .

  17. 这对于从阿拉伯数字到罗马数字的映射同样成立。

    The same is true for the mapping of Arabic to Roman numerals .

  18. 这个应用程序能将整数转换为相当的罗马数字。

    Roman numeral converter-converts integers to Roman numeral equivalents .

  19. 罗马数字中2的写法是Ⅱ。

    The Roman numeral for two is ii .

  20. 他也使用了罗马数字。

    He 's also using Roman numerals .

  21. 还有1和2,但用罗马数字开头。

    And the one and the two , but it starts off with a Roman numeral .

  22. 英国电视节目用罗马数字来记录节目制作的年份。

    British television shows use Roman numerals on their credits for the year the program was made .

  23. 为一数字,用于指定罗马数字的类型。请参阅帮助中数字及类型的说明

    Is the number specifying the type of Roman numeral you want . See Help for the numbers and descriptions of the types

  24. 简而言之,对于每个阿拉伯数字,都有一个且只有一个罗马数字会映射到它。

    In short , for each Arabic numeral , there is one , and only one , Roman numeral which maps to it .

  25. 今天的罗马数字是2824674,这个数字就是关于你所说的疲软的房产市场。

    The Romans numeral is2,824,674 and that number is exactly what you 're talking about , Kyra . It 's the weak housing market .

  26. 形状笨拙的罗马数字被我们一直沿用至今的阿拉伯数字所替代,并且第一次使用了零的符号。

    The clumsy Roman numerals were ousted by the Arabic figures we use to this day , and the zero sign was first employed .

  27. 你可能已经注意到,在罗马数字里,对于大部分电影的结束序列都包含一个生产日期的通知。

    You might have noticed that ending credit sequences for most motion pictures contain a notice for the date of production , in Roman numerals .

  28. 提纲:无论你是用罗马数字还是项目符号,提纲都是一下提炼观点与数据的层次关系的有效方式。

    Outlining : Whether you use Roman numerals or bullet points , outlining is an effective way to capture the hierarchical relationships between ideas and data .

  29. 阿拉伯数字:相对于罗马数字。有十个数字,由1至9及零。源始于阿拉伯,故名。

    Arabic numerals : Ten figures , zero and numerals 1 through 9 , so called because they originated in Arabia , as opposed to Roman numerals .

  30. 10年之后她的头像被移到了纸币的背面,和她的丈夫乔治共同出现,他们头像之间印着罗马数字1。

    Ten years later , she was moved to the back of the bill and featured next to her husband , George , with the roman numeral I between them .