
  • 网络roxana
  1. 罗克珊娜:我们可以囤起来留着明年用。

    Roxana : We can stock up for next year .

  2. 罗克珊娜:你现在就起床跟我一起去商店,圣诞节后的大减价来临了。

    Roxana : You need to get up now and come with me to the store for the after Christmas sales .

  3. 罗克珊娜:在我去最大折扣商店血拼时,我需要你帮我抢货。还有帮我拎所有的包和袋子。

    Roxana : I need you to run interference while I go for the best bargains and to hold all of the bags and packages while I shop .