
  • 网络romanov dynasty;House of Romanov
  1. 1917年3月,当一场具有空前规模的世界战争正在激烈进行时,俄国爆发了二月革命,统治俄国300多年的罗曼诺夫王朝被推翻了。

    In March , 1917 , when an unprecedented scale world war was intensely carrying on , Russia broke out February Revolution . Romanoff dynasty , who had ruled the Russians for more than 300 years , was overthrown .

  2. 她的侄子女们取罗曼诺夫为姓,1613年米哈尔?罗曼诺夫当选为沙皇,从而开始了罗曼诺夫王朝。

    Her nephews assumed the surname Romanov , and the dynasty began with the election of Michael Romanov as tsar in1613 .