
  • 网络ThrowingOffAsia
  1. 日本的脱亚入欧与中国的三甲纪念

    Japan 's Departure from Asia for Europe and China 's Commemoration of Three Jia 's

  2. 明治维新以后在脱亚入欧的现代化过程中,日本文化为何没有全盘西方化?

    Why hadn 't Japanese culture been entirely westernized in the process of modernization after the Meiji Reformation in 1868 ?

  3. 他认为亚洲的落后缘于儒教的僵化,近代日本的成功正在于于“脱亚入欧”中摆脱了儒教教条的苑囿;

    He believes that the Asian backwardness originates from the rigid confucianism , and Japan 's success in modernization lies in its cast off the yoke of Confucianism .

  4. 脱亚入欧战略一直以来都是土耳其的基本国策,在此基础上,土耳其形成了亲近西方、疏远中东的外交传统。

    " From Asia into Europe " strategy has always been a basic state policy of Turkey , for this reason , Turkey has a foreign tradition of " close to the west , alienated from the Middle East " .

  5. 在近代,崇拜强势的日本选择了脱亚入欧战略,经过明治维新后,国力迅速壮大,很快跻身于世界资本主义强国之列。

    In modern times , with its worship of power Japan adopted the strategy of separating from Asia and joining Europe . After Meiji Restoration , its national strength grew rapidly which enabled Japan to get a place in the world capitalist powers soon .