
hù jí fǎ
  • household register act;law of household register
  1. 清代户籍法的调整与农村基层社会的稳定

    The Adjustment of Census Law in Qing Dynasty and the Stability of the Basic Rural Society

  2. 户籍法是一个政权加强对民众户籍管理,维系赋税征收和徭役佥派的重要规范。

    Census law is important in adjusting and regulating the position , right and duty of the individuals .

  3. 二次大战前,日本家制度的形成中,户籍法起了重大作用。

    Before the end of World War II , the Japanese census law had played an important role in the formation of its household institution .

  4. 明王朝统治者对户籍法的调整从明初到明中叶以后,一直没有停止过,可以说这种调整贯穿了有明一代之始终。

    The rulers in Ming dynasty kept adjusting the law of population registration since the early time of the dynasty to its middle age or even the whole Ming dynasty .

  5. 鉴于它的重要性,历代统治者十分重视对户籍法的不断调整和完善,以适应不断变化的形势,强化自身的统治,维护社会的稳定,特别是农村社会的稳定。

    Because of the importance , the rulers in all dynasties focused greatly on the adjustment and perfection of the law of population registration to suit the changing situation , to enhance their own leadership , to maintain the social stability , especially the stability of the rural society .

  6. 在马来西亚沙巴州的婆罗洲岛上,成千上万的移民人口的子女,因为没有正式户籍,没法上学。

    Tens of thousands of undocumented immigrant children in the Malaysian state of Sabah on Borneo Island are not being allowed to go to school .

  7. 在社会管理方面,也逐步形成了有别于一般乡村的行政、税收、治安、户籍、役法等制度。

    In social administration , there gradually formed systems different from those of common rural areas order , census register , military service law , etc.

  8. 提出了为促进我国劳动者在各省市之间合理流动而应构建的法律框架&改革当前的户籍制度,制定户籍法;

    Put forward legal framework to be established for strengthening free and reasonable movement of our Chinese workers between provinces and cities – reform current hukou system and constitute hukou law ;