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hù bù
  • the Board of Revenue and Population;the Ministry of Revenue in feudal China
户部 [hù bù]
  • (1) [the Board of Revenue and Population] 官名,我国古代朝廷分掌户口、财政的官署

  • 户部主事。--《明史》

  • 户部司务。

  • 南京户部。

  • (2) 三国以后设度支尚书掌财政,隋改为民部尚书,唐时改为户部,为三省下的六部之一,长官称尚书。以后历代沿置,清末改为度支部

户部[hù bù]
  1. 户部各项制度的确立。

    First , the establishment of the Ministry of the system .

  2. 户部——负责户籍登记和财政事宜;

    The Ministry of Finance - responsible for household registration and finance .

  3. 户部机构的更改。

    Second , the Ministry of body changes .

  4. 咸丰朝户部钞票舞弊案研究

    A Study of the Ministry of Revenue Paper Money Case during the XianFeng Reign

  5. 南宋初期,仍由户部右曹管理。

    Southern Song Dynasty , the early , still the Ministry right the Cao management .

  6. 户部一般根据《大清律例》断案,而《户部则例》中的相关规定也在司法实践中发挥效力。

    Hubu judged the cases according to the Qing Code , but it also applied the Statutes of Hubu .

  7. 裂缝性岩石裂缝扩展的光弹构造物理模拟&以南华北盆地户部寨沙河阶组为例

    A Photoelastic Experiment for Fracture Extending in Fractured Rocks : An Example from the Shahejie Formation in the Southern North China Basin

  8. 这样,他官越做越大,一直做到户部尚书兼御史大夫。

    Thus he rose higher and higher in officialdom till he became the Minister of Revenue and concurrently Imperial Law Enforcement Official .

  9. 所产食盐,按照场官指定位置,储存于固定的盐亭,以待经户部备案的专职运销商人前来购买。

    The salt would be stored in fixing salt booth appointed by the officials for the merchants recorded by the government to purchase .

  10. 唐代户部别贮钱设置于德宗贞元四年二月辛巳,但有一个酝酿和后续过程。

    A special storage fund was set up on Xinsi February the Fourth Zhenyuan in Tang Dynasty , it had a brewing and succeeding course .

  11. 根据户部寨复杂断块气藏特点,开展了精细气藏构造、储集层、砂体的分布规律等研究。

    According to the characteristic of Hubuzhai complex fault block gas pool , the fine structure , reservoir rock and sand distribution of it are studied .

  12. 其中包括中央财税行政机构的改革,主要是户部的改革和税务处、清理财政处、督办盐政处的设立。

    The reform of central taxation agencies includes the reform of Ministry of Revenue and the establishment of Tax Section , Clearing Finance Section and Salt Department .

  13. 通过对户部制度确立的三种主要方式进行分析,了解当时户部各种制度确立的背景和途径。

    System established by the Ministry to analyze the three main ways to understand the various systems was established by the Ministry of the background and approach .

  14. 1909年成立的户部大清银行湖南分行是近代湖南建立的第一家新式银行,自此,湖南近代银行业开始兴起。

    Abstract The branch banks of Hunan which belongs to the Household sector of Great Qing Dynasty established in 1909 was the first new - type founded in the Modern of Hunan .

  15. 户部在王朝经济中的作用,与其机构建制的细密、制度的完善有关,并随社会发展而不断健全。

    The Ministry of the Dynasty The role of the economy , and its organizational system of the fine , perfect the relevant systems , and with social development and continuous sound .

  16. 第四部分截取户部六项独立的基本职能,分别阐述各项职能的具体范围和运作制度(原则)。

    The fourth part of the interception of the Ministry of the basic functions of the six independent , respectively , the specific scope of the functions described and the operation of the system ( principle ) .

  17. 并对于明朝户部能够提供给我们的各种信息,从中能够得到一些对我国经济建设有益的经验教训,为当代社会发展提供一点思路。

    And the Ministry of the Ming Dynasty to all kinds of information provided to us , from which China can get some useful lessons of economic construction , to provide some ideas of contemporary social development .

  18. 根据明代资料的时段分布特点和可利用性,本论文将眼光放在16世纪的明代这一时间段内来讨论明代户部机构的运作问题。

    In terms of the periodical distributions and the possibilities of utilizations on the materials under the Ming Dynasty , the thesis places the emphasis on the sixteenth century and studies the Financial Institution running under the Ming Dynasty .

  19. 户部作为我国漫长中古法制史上的中央财政管理机构,其地位相当于现代社会的民政财政部。

    The Ministry of Revenue as the central financial and civil administration organ in the long feudal legal history of China , in some sense , is similar to the combination of Financial Ministry and Civil Affairs Ministry nowadays .

  20. 首先对中央最高行政机构三省六部进行了调整,除户部以事务繁多未减少外,其他五部通过兼领、合并而大量省并。

    The three secretariats and six boards of the former Northern Song Dynasty were merged in order to reduce the number of official posts and administrative organizations . But changes were not so drastic with respect to local governments .

  21. 以南华北盆地户部寨第三系沙河阶组粉砂岩低渗透储层为例,总结了其中发育的5种类型构造裂缝组合,即:①南北向雁形张节理组成的共轭剪节理带;

    Five types of fracture assemblage were summarized from the siltstone of the Tertiary Shahejie Formation in the southern North China basin , i. e. , ( 1 ) conjugated shear fracture belts arranged in en echelon N-S-striking tension fracture ;

  22. 清初继承了明朝水次仓的管理制度,在中央设立云南清吏司管理漕运与仓储,并派户部监督主持仓务。

    Ming Dynasty Qing Dynasty inherited the water sub-warehouse management system , the establishment of Yunnan Province in the Central Division-ching lai water transport and warehousing management , and supervision of the primary position to send the Ministry of Finance .

  23. 中国通商银行成立之初的资本来源、章程制度和人员组织状况中国通商银行成立之初的资本来源主要是商股和户部存款。

    Finally , I dissertate the flexura of the Imperial Bank of China in the course of being founded . The second part is about the status of the capital , constitution and personnel organization at the beginning of the bank .

  24. 户部作为我国中古时期各王朝机构的重要组成部分,在各个朝代均有着非常重要的地位,对于研究古代王朝经济法律制度的建立和完善有着重要的作用。

    As the Ministry of the Dynasty of the Middle Ages an important part of institutions , are in various dynasties have a very important position in the economy for the study of ancient dynasties to establish and perfect the legal system plays an important role .

  25. 从这个意义上说,明朝户部及其运作制度仅是对专制君主而言最完美、最合理的制度设计,很难对社会经济的进一步发展做出大的贡献。

    In this sense it can be said that the Ministry of Revenue of the Ming Dynasty and ' the operation system was " the most perfect , the most reasonable " financial system design to the emperor as far as the civilian aspects are concerned .

  26. 分别从户部制度的历史沿革、明代户部机构的损益和户部机构与其他相关职能部门的关系三个方面对户部机构进行整体把握。

    Respectively , from the Ministry of the system to the history and bodies of the Ministry of the Ming Dynasty and the Ministry of profit institutions and other relevant functional departments of the Ministry of the aspects of relations between institutions as a whole to grasp .

  27. 试述晚清户部银库制度与庚子之后的变革唐后期的户部别贮钱,是数量可观的国家经费。

    A Study of the Silver Vault of the Ministry of Revenue in the Late Qing and its Reform after the Boxer Uprising The special storage fund of the Ministry of Revenue in the later period of the Tang Dynasty was a considerable outlay of the country .

  28. 明朝的史料是比较丰富的,但是专门研究户部制度的著作和文章相对而言还是比较少,从明代史书和人物传记等各种不同的史料中收集户部制度的信息,难度相对较大。

    Ming is a rich historical data , but the Ministry of the system specializing in books and articles is relatively less , from the Ming Dynasty history books and biographies to collect a variety of historical information on the Ministry of the system , the difficulty is relatively large .